birkaç saniyeAlessandra Pavanello 5 yıl önceİtalyancaGli aggettivi Gli aggettivi qualificativi sono aggettivi che indicano una qualità del nome (sostantivo) e servono...
3 dakikaNathaly Rodríguez7 yıl öncePortekizce"Biscoito ou bolacha?" How Portuguese differs across Brazil Portuguese is spoken all over Brazil by 99% of the population. No matter where you go, you will always...
3 dakikaPadraic Cummane6 yıl önceİngilizceBusiness English Meetings: 68 useful phrases to use in your next meeting Never be stuck for words in a meeting with these 68 essential Business English phrases!! Unit 1 |...
bir dakikaAngelica Maria Albarracin6 yıl önceİspanyolcaPor que se celebra el dia internacional de la mujer?El próximo mes, celebraremos el día internacional de la mujer, por eso quiero hacer un breve repaso....
6 dakikaAlessandro 5 yıl önceİtalyancaLove Sentences and Expressions in Italian Language We are in the period of San Valentine. Therefore, I thought to write this article about love sentences...
4 dakikaSebastian 7 yıl önceİspanyolcaAlimentos que te ayudarán a concentrarte y alimentos que debes evitar mientras¡El éxito en los exámenes se prepara desde el plato! Ya sea para el periodo regular o la temporada de...
2 dakikaJohn Colt8 yıl önceİngilizceHow to Speak English Like a NativeWhen we're learning a second language, we tend to approach it with our eyes first and our ears second....
3 dakikaGonzalo de la Vega Martínez6 yıl önceİspanyolcaHOW TO USE THE SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE IN SPANISH WITHOUT THINKING Most Spanish students have trouble understanding the subjunctive tense in Spanish as well as using...
2 dakikaNeil 7 yıl önceİngilizceEnglish - Learning, Unlearning and RelearningWhy do kids learn faster? Apart from the fact that they are nearly totally free of 'cares,' what's most...
2 dakikaAzumi Ohara5 yıl öncePortekizceComo estruturar minhas rotinas de estudo? Olá, pessoal! Sou Azumi, ensino Japonês aqui no Verbling. Fico feliz em informar que meus três alunos...
2 dakikaEmily J5 yıl önceİngilizce5 British Slang Words You Need to Know Immediately (K - O) Learning a language is a wonderful thing, it opens a person up to new opportunities, new relationships...
2 dakikaIsabella Martins5 yıl öncePortekizce5 Vantagens de Fazer Home OfficeComo algumas pessoas sabem, eu tenho trabalhado há cerca de 4 anos como professora e tradutora online....