3 dakikaCharlotte Louise 6 yıl önceİngilizceWhat exactly is the CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages)? 1. What is the Common European Framework (CEF)? The Common European Framework is a common reference...
3 dakikaCharlotte Louise 6 yıl önceİngilizceTechnology: Integration in English Education Here is the weblink for the original article: https://ceuespecialidadingles.wordpress.com Nowadays...
bir dakikaCharlotte Louise 5 yıl önceİngilizce3 rules to adding a new habit to your life.... like learning a new language!Due to the current situation, it seems like a lot of people have been taking up new habits. Myself for...
bir dakikaCharlotte Louise 6 yıl önceİngilizce"CLIL" - a great methodology!Content and Language Integrated Learning (English Language Learning) I currently work in a bilingual...