2 分鐘Alejandra Piña 5 年前西班牙語Mercados, mi amor.Cuando era niña, una de las cosas que más me gustaba era quedarme a dormir en casa de mis abuelitos maternos....
2 分鐘Sarah Nash6 年前英語Dinner TimeLevel: B1- B2 (Maybe C1) Who does not like to sitting with family and friends enjoying food? The best...
1 分鐘federica 5 年前義大利語IL CAFFE’ IN ITALIA…anzi i caffè! Se sei già stato in Italia sai che abbiamo una passione per questa bevanda forte ed energetica:...
1 分鐘🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6 年前英語THE VERB 'COOK' IS NOT USED FOR FOOD MADE WITH FLOUR PREPARED IN AN OVEN: Students in my English classes unfortunately wrongly use 'cook' when flour-based food items are prepared...
2 分鐘Jona Lam7 年前中文(Chinese and English recipes)让我们一起做真正的中国菜。Let's cook real Chinese food together. I can teach you.我发了一个中文食谱在讨论室,这次翻译了英文版食谱!希望你们喜欢。 I sent a Chinese recipe in the discussion room. This time translated...