3 分钟Ben 8 年前法语Top 3 common mistakes while learning FrenchBeginner French students might become frustrated with French grammar rules, exceptions to the rules and...
1 分钟Mark Hudson8 年前英语IELTS SPEAKING TEST HINTSMake Good Use of the Questions Asked If the situation was an ordinary conversation, it would be perfectly...
1 分钟Laura Marshallsay5 年前英语We're having a heatwave! Expressions to describe hot weatherIn this post, you’ll learn expressions to describe really hot weather. English speakers love to talk...
几秒Ludivine Bon5 年前法语Tout en couleurAccord des adjectifs de couleur 😍😍😍 En règle générale : un adjectif de couleur formé d'un seul...
几秒Adelaida Álvarez5 年前西班牙语PetricorUtilizar en español y en cualquier lengua vocabulario rico, palabras bonitas tanto en su formación como...
3 分钟Sebastian 7 年前西班牙语¿Miedo de hablar un nuevo idioma? 5 consejos para superarloHablar en un idioma extranjero es uno de los desafíos más intimidantes que una persona puede enfrentar....
2 分钟Luis Mojena5 年前西班牙语Usos correctos e incorrectos de los celulares. Hola, mi nombre es Luis, y soy colaborador de algunas plataformas, en las que a veces escribo artículos...
1 分钟Kyla Goncalves5 年前英语How to turn daily activities into language learning activitiesWhat is the best way to learn a language fluently? The best way would be to submerge yourself in the...
几秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆5 年前西班牙语For Spanish speakers learning English: translating 'mudarse de casa' If you are changing your place of residence, often my Spanish students (and others) learning English...
1 分钟Gary Brook6 年前英语Tongue Twisters+ Tongue twisters are a great way to improve pronunciation. Try this one. Don't worry if you find it...
1 分钟Irina Khlynova6 年前意大利语Diversi modi di dire "grazie" in russo La gratitudine ha una grande forza. Quando si ringrazia, si diventa più ricco.. Per ringraziare qualcuno...
4 分钟Sebastian 7 年前西班牙语Evita los 5 errores más comunes al estudiarLa preparación para un examen no sólo requiere de contar con los apuntes que tomaste durante tu clase,...