几秒Shirley YANG4 年前中文汉语多音字这样记- Learn Chinese homograph like this (2) 11、宁:尽管他生活一直没宁(níng)静过,但他宁(nìng)死不屈,也不息事宁(níng)人。 12、和:天气暖和(huo),小和(hé)在家和(huó动词)泥抹墙;他讲原则性,是非面前,从不和(huò)稀泥,也不随声附和(hè动词)别人,更不会在麻将桌上高喊:“我和(hú)了。”...
1 分钟Tom 8 年前英语Two Rules for Writing a Simple, Brief EssayWhen I taught English overseas, I was always impressed with how many of my students had learned to speak...
2 分钟Cesar Rull8 年前英语The True Reason why we learn Faster when living abroad!The Reality of Living Abroad! Hi! My name is Cesar, I'm 27 years old and I've been teaching Spanish...
1 分钟Zhijuan Liu7 年前中文My suggestion about learning Chinese in an effective waySome people may think that Chinese is the difficult language to learn in the world.of course ,it isn't.English...
2 分钟Olga Sobko7 年前俄语Cómo decir en ruso "Chuparse los dedos"? Cuando hablamos el idioma de forma nativa usamos modismos y frases hechas aunque no lo fijamos. El...
2 分钟Jorge L Balboa7 年前英语The 4 Principles for Beginning in Spanish (part 1)<p>Hi everybody! My name is Jorge Balboa, and I´m a <strong>SPANISH</strong> teacher for<strong> BEGINNERS</strong>.</p>...
6 分钟Daniela Alcantara7 年前西班牙语'Hay que desterrar la idea de que no se puede aprender una lengua de adulto'Esta es una entrevista a Thomas Bak, un testimonio que afirma que no importa la edad para aprender un...
几秒Jona Lam7 年前中文中国文化之二十四节气 / The twenty-fourth solar term in Chinese culture—— 二十四节气 一一 2016年11月30日,中国“二十四节气”被正式列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 节气是指二十四时节和气候,是中国古代订立的一种用来指导农事的补充历法,是汉族劳动人民长期经验的积累成果和智慧的结晶。...
3 分钟Adriana Marcela Martinez Castro6 年前英语LETS LEARN SPANISH WITH MUSIC! Have you heard yourselves humming or singing a piece of a song? I bet the answer is yes! There is a...
2 分钟Stuart Ransom6 年前英语What Should You Do First on the IELTS Writing Task 2? Don’t Write! When the timer starts for writing your essay, you should spend about five minutes for planning, not...
2 分钟Joanna Lee5 年前中文How to learn Chinese Characters efficiently? / Chinese Characters dictionary & recognition Hello! My name is Joanna Lee, and I teach Chinese on Verbling. Since 2015 I have been fully...