几秒Laura Richards5 年前英语5 Email phrases to avoidIt can be frustrating when we don’t receive emails as soon as we need. Most people send a follow up email...
2 分钟Monique Strydom5 年前英语20 Idioms – Learn them, use them and spice up the way you speak! 1. Cool as a cucumber Meaning: calm and composed, especially in stressful situations Example: She was...
3 分钟Wahaj Yasin7 年前英语9 Simple Tips - Learn any new language...!As I have felt myself, when any person starts to learn a new language the feelings of not knowing where...
4 分钟Vadim Onufriev9 年前俄语How to Use Word Endings in Russian Cases Greetings, Verbling Community! My name is Vadim Onufriev, and I'm a Russian teacher here on Verbling....
4 分钟Marika 6 年前英语Ferragosto: a beloved Italian holiday!I arrived in Italy on August 15th, but no one was there and I thought: "Maybe I've chosen the wrong...
1 分钟Débora Ladeira6 年前葡萄牙语8 Razões para você aprender PortuguêsO português principalmente do Brasil é um idioma lindo, você pode comprovar isso escutando as clássicas...
5 分钟Maui Betancor6 年前英语Nuevos enfoques, nuevas estrategias Flipped Classroom, ¿un nuevo enfoque para nuestras clases de ELE? Con frecuencia escuchamos hablar...
1 分钟Виктория Syomina5 年前俄语HOW TO LEARN RUSSIAN FASTLet's talk about simple but effective ways, which will help you to speak in Russian only after few lessons!...
2 分钟garrett Turner6 年前英语How does teaching ESL in person and online help you as a teacher overall? My 3 Big takeaways. As an avid learner of languages and a passion to travel and help others, it only makes sense that...
9 分钟Giang Ton6 年前英语Vietnamese noddle- Phở Among all the Vietnamese dishes that came to the attention of the people in the western hemisphere,...
2 分钟Mark 8 年前英语3 Steps to Faster Language LearningWhen someone decides to learn a new language, there is usually a driving reason fueling this choice....
1 分钟Fran Sánchez Díaz8 年前西班牙语¿Cómo se pronuncian en español las palabras que tienen "w"?La letra w, que no formaba parte inicialmente del abecedario latino, puede articularse de diferentes...