7 Good reasons you weren't hired for the job

7 Good reasons you weren't hired for the job

1. Attitude
Attitude is one of the most important aspects of obtaining employment. A potential employer wants to see a high level of energy and a sign of an employee’s future dedication. If you attend the interview with no energy or motivation, the interviewer will very quickly make the decision not to hire you. Pay special attention to your body language.
2. Qualifications
A prospective employer may see qualifications on paper, but when it comes down to it, you also need to show those qualifications. A potential employer will dismiss the idea of hiring you if you do not show aptitude.

3. Questionable History
If you have gaps in your employment with no good excuse as to why you were not working, chances are you might not get the job. An employer wants to feel like they’ll be able to retain employees, and long periods of unemployment on your CV will send red flags to potential employers about stability.
4. Improper Dress
When going to an interview, it’s important for you to dress appropriately. Business casual attire is the best way to go for most interviews – it shows a certain level of professionalism and care. If you aren’t dressed appropriately for your interview you won’t receive a job offer.
5. Nervousness
Unfortunately, nervousness will never work in your favour. If you appear nervous in an interview, your potential employer will question your ability to perform in public – try your best to always maintain composure.
6. Misaligned Objectives
Just as you have an idea of what you would like to earn, so does your potential employer. If the hiring manager feels that he or she cannot meet your salary needs, they probably won’t offer you the job.
7. More Suitable Candidates
If you don’t give the hiring manager a stellar interview and someone else has, chances are the other candidate will get the job. If you really want the job, you have to properly prepare for the interview – put your heart in the interview – research, research and do more research. Draw up a list of possible interview questions and practice them beforehand, this will help you to answer the interviewer more confidently as well.
Before the next interview, make sure you have all the above boxes covered – and you might just be exactly who the interviewer is looking for.
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