Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives
It is important to know when to use a comma to separate adjectives in a description. It can be confusing, so here is a simple guide to help you use commas correctly and to understand what Coordinate and Cumulative adjectives are.
Here are 2 very simple examples to show you the difference, the adjectives in each sentence are in bold to help you. However, can you tell the difference between Coordinate and Cumulative adjectives and do you know how to use them correctly?
The three black cats sat on my lap.
They walked down the long, narrow path.
Why is there a comma between long & narrow, but not a comma between three & black?
First, let’s try to understand what Coordinate and Cumulative Adjectives are.
Coordinate Adjectives are equal in rank or importance, so each can be used to modify the same noun independently of each other and they have equal weight. Let’s break down the sentence so that you can see what I mean.

Both adjectives (long & narrow) are modifying the noun (path) in this sentence and are independent of each other, so you must use a comma or conjunction (and) to separate them.
They walked down the long, narrow path.
Cumulative Adjectives are used to increase the quantity, degree or force by successive additions. These adjectives build upon each other to modify the noun.

Both adjectives (three & black) are modifying the noun (cats), but three is also modifying the phrase black cats as well. The adjectives are building on each other in a cumulative effect, so you do not use a comma between them because that will break up their cumulative effect.
The three black cats sat on my lap.
If you are still not sure whether to use a comma, use the AND test.
Add the word AND between the adjectives. If it sounds normal, then you have Coordinate adjectives and you need to use a comma.
They walked down the long and narrow path.
This sounds good. These are Coordinate Adjectives and you should use a comma to separate them.
The three and black cats sat on my lap.
This sentence sounds strange, so you have Cumulative Adjectives and you should not use a comma.
November 13, 2019