Learn and remember words while saving time
It can be tiring and demotivating to spend hours in front of a book. Plus, you might not have the time to do that, the older you get, the more precious your time is. When you are home, you might be busy doing housework, getting reading, showering or whatever it is. So what about learning passively? What I mean by that is getting the most of outcomes with making the less effort. In this article I will give you a technique that allows you to remember words and expression without having to go back to your book all the time. The advantage? Time and energy saving!
I am at the moment learning Chinese and the amount of things to remember is incredibly high. I started to ask myself how could I remember better. So I came up with a little trick that my friend Tyler had told me about.
I started to stick everywhere in my apartment key sentences that I learned. I also put the name on the corresponding objects. Each time I would go to my dressing, I would see many words related to clothes such as “getting dress, ironing clothes… “. Pretty simple you think?
I would look at it while brushing my teeth or being on the phone. I would wake up and the first see I see is be a bunch of words. You can even do it under the shower! (just put your paper in a plastic pocket). I understand that it might not be the best decoration you can have, but it is definitively very efficient! I am glad that my roommates didn’t care having stickers everywhere in the apartment haha. I am sure that whomever you live with, you will be able to convince the person.
If you can’t, do it just in your room! When you feel that you have learned a list of words, change it, so you are always learning.
Yes this simple technique that we use as kids can work as well while being adults! Most of the people’s memory is visual, so by looking at those notes pretty often you will remember without having to think about it. In a glance, you can see the name of the word you are looking for and use it, instead of interrupting your conversation by flipping pages or going on a translator.
I recommend to handwrite-it and to highlight with different colors so it is easier to notice. Sometimes you might not pay attention to your notes for a week or so, and you might go look back at it afterwards. It is never a waste of time.
You can write messages or talk using the words on the wall instead of having to open your book or find it in your notes. You save a lot of time!
Have you tried this technique before? Did it work for you?”
June 21, 2017