Preparing For A Job Interview

There are many resources online for practicing the type of questions you may be asked. Certain categories can have many questions.

  • We worry about how to answer questions or what happens if I take too much time to think about my answer?
  • We want to know why they are asking me questions about my personal life?

The best way for you to get help is by using an English language coach that helps you prepare for your first or next job interview.

A good language coach will help you formulate your responses to the general and special questions you may be asked in your interview.

A language coach can help you to understand "why" the interviewer is asking you particular questions.

A language coach will show you some easy techniques for asking for clarity, delay tactics to give you time to think about your answers and will help you to feel more comfortable and confident.

There are many resources online for practicing the type of questions you may be asked. Practicing with your language coach make more sense as they can also check, word use, pronunciation and response structure.

Certain categories can have many questions. Below are some sample categories, sample question and an idea as to why they may be asking you these questions...

Motivation questions seek to uncover the reasons, drive and enthusiasm behind a job application. These questions are asked to find out whether the values of the individual and organization align.

Sample Question: Why are you interested in working at this organization?

Behavioral questions aim to discover how previous behavior may influence future decisions and performance. The best responses provide concrete examples of how situations were handled or resolved.

Sample Question: At times you will be asked to do many things at once. How do you prioritize your tasks?

Situational questions aim to unpack specific issues and challenges that may occur at work. Answers should highlight specific steps that the individual would take to manage a particular situation.

Sample Question: If you had two important deadlines coming up, how would you prioritize your tasks?

Skills-based questions aim to uncover whether an individual’s skills match what the organization needs. These questions require the interviewee to discuss their existing skills and those they would like to develop.

Sample Question: Talk us through your professional and technical skill-set.

Your language coach can help you formulate your answers to interview questions and to help you sound and feel more professional while interviewing in English!
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