Start speaking and understanding Italian after reading this!!!

When you study a foreign language, and especially if you are still at the beginning, (or if you have a bad memory like me :P ) then I suggest you to choose carefully the words to learn, the words which are used in everyday conversation and can be useful in different situations.

In addition there are some words which can be used in an endless number of sentences, and those are the words of which I would like to talk about in this article. Here are some Italian verbs that will allow you immediately to be able to say very useful Italian sentences!!!

All these verbs are followed by infinitive, which means that you don't need to worry about conjugation!

The infinitive of Italian verbs end with one of these 3 suffixes:- ARE, ERE or IRE
For example:- Aspettare : to wait Prendere : to take Dormire : to sleep

That means that if you substitute only ONE word (the infinitive) , you will get a COMPLETELY NEW SENTENCE using the same beginning!!!
Let's see how it works ;)

1-Posso : Can I? / I can

In the construction of an Italian sentence there is no difference between affirmative and interrogative forms; the only difference is the question mark if you are writing or the inflection of your voice if you are talking!
Posso guidare.
I can drive.
Posso guidare?
Can I drive (your car)?

Posso parlare in italiano!
I can speak italian!
Posso entrare?
Can I enter?
Posso fare una domanda?
Can I ask a question?
Posso pagare con la carta di credito / in contanti?
Can I pay with the credit card/ in cash?

You can add the word (ti) at the very beginning of the sentence in order to say (to you/ you)
For example:
Ti posso chiamare dopo?
Can I call you later?
"Chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"

2-Puoi : Can you? / you can (informal)

Puoi aspettare un momento?
Can you wait a moment?
Puoi restare un po'?
Can you stay for a while?
Puoi aprire la finestra?
Can you open the window?

Puoi chiudere la porta?
Can you close the door?
"Chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"
(Puoi is used in informal conversation: with people whom you already know, with friends or people that have the same age as yours).

You can add the word (mi) at the very beginning of the sentence in order to say (to me).
For example:
Mi puoi dire …?
Can you tell me ….?

3- Può : Can you? / you can (formal)

Unlike "Puoi", "Può" is used in formal conversation: to people whom you don't know or people who are older than you. You should use this form when you are talking to a shop assistant or a waiter .. etc

Può ripetere per favore?
Can you repeat please?
Può parlare più piano?
Can you speak slower?
You can add the word "mi" at the very beginning of the sentence in order to say "to me"
For example:
Mi può dare …?
Can you give me ….?
Mi può capire?
Can you understand me?

4- Devo : Should I? / I must

Devo andare adesso.
I must go now.
Devo pagare adesso?
Should I pay now?
Devo firmare qui?
Should I sign here?

5- Devi : Should you? / you must

Devi studiare!
You must study!

6-Deve : Should you? / you must (formal for people that you don't know or that are older than you)

Quando deve tornare a casa?
When you should go back home?

7- Voglio : I want

The "g" in "voglio" is not pronounced, so you should read it as if it was "volyo"
Voglio mangiare adesso.
I want to eat now. "Gi" in italian is pronounced like the "j" in the word "jeep"
Voglio comprare questo!
I want to buy this!
Voglio provare questo!
I want to try this!

You can substitute "voglio" with "vorrei" in all the previous sentences in order to be more polite. "Vorrei" means "I would like"
Vorrei comprare questo!
I would like to buy this!
Vorrei provare questo!
I would like to try this!

8- Vuoi: do you want? / you want

Vuoi uscire?
Do you want to go out? "Sci" in italian is pronounced like the "sh" in the word "sheep"
Vuoi venire con me?
Do you want to come with me?

9- Vuole : do you want? / you want (formal)

Vuole bere qualcosa?
Do you want to drink something?
Vuole comprare questo?
Do you want to buy this?

10- So : I know

So parlare l'italiano.
I know to speak Italian.
So nuotare.
I know to swim.

A very used sentence is : "Lo so" which means "I know it"

11- Sai : Do you know? / you know

Sai dov'è la stazione?
Do you know where is the station?
Sai nuotare?
Do you know to swim?

12- Sa : Do you know? / you know (formal)

Sa a che ora apre il negozio? Do you know at what time does the shop open?
Sa quanto costa questo? Do you know how much does this cost?

13-Mi piace : I like

"Ce" in italian is pronounced like the "ch" in the word "church"

Mi piace nuotare.
I like to swim.

Mi piace la pizza.
I like pizza.

14- Odio : I hate


Odio fare la spesa.
I hate to do shopping (an useful sentence mostly for men :P )

15-Non sopporto: I can't bear


Non sopporto stare da solo!
I can't bear being alone!

Here are some verbs in infinitive form that can be useful to create sentences with these 15 expressions :-
Mangiare: to eat "Gi" in italian is pronounced like the "j" in the word "jeep"
Bere : to drink
Aprire : to open
Chiudere : to close "Chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"
Pagare: to pay
Andare : to go
Venire : to come
Prendere : to take
Vedere: to see
Provare : to try
Chiedere: to ask "Chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"
Fare una domanda: to ask a question
Parlare : to speak
Ripetere: to repeat
Sapere: to know
Chiamare: to call Remember that "Chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"
Firmare: to sign
Aspettare: to wait
Dire : to say
Dare : to give
Capire : to understand
Avere : to have
Essere : to be
Uscire : to go out Remember that "sci" in italian is pronounced like the "sh" in the word "sheep"

And here are other words useful in order to ask something:-
Quando : when
Dove : where
Chi: Who As we said "chi" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "key"
Cosa : what
Quanto : how much
A che ora : at what time "Che" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "ken"
Quale : which
Perché : why As we said, "che" in italian is pronounced like the "k" in the word "ken"

I hope you will find this article useful! Please don't hesitate to write to me if you have any questions!

I wish you all good luck in your adventure with the Italian language!

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