3 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishUnderstanding Vowels: Syllables, Monophthongs, Diphthongs & TriphthongsDo you know the terms monophthong diphthong and triphthong? In this article you'll learn the difference,...
2 minutesJackie Guiter6 years agoEnglishIs it worth it?How often do we see a cheaper price, go for it and ... end up regretting it? Some people seem naturally...
2 minutesJen Mc Monagle5 years agoEnglishThe Origins of popular English IdiomsMost native English speakers, myself included, use idioms and expressions on a regular basis. Why do...
a few secondsJoanna Lee5 years agoMandarinThe dictionaries won't tell you what this sentence structure means. 大家好,我叫Joanna。 昨天我的学生David看到这样一句话:“一个男人,只要怕老婆,就坏不到哪里去。” David 记得我告诉过他: “到哪里去 & verb+到哪里去”意思是 “去哪里,去什么地方”,比如:...
a minuteShota Nakayama 7 years agoJapanese日本語が難しい5つの理由 / 5reasons why Japanese is difficult 漢字 普段、日本人が当たり前に使っている漢字は外国人にとって、とても厄介な文字です。私たち日本人が物書きを始めたころから少しずつ覚えてきた日本語の漢字。漢字の溢れている環境で育ったから、日本人は初めて見る字でも何となく読み方を言い当てられたり、意味を推測できたりします。...
2 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishPronunciation Tip: Beer Beard BearAre you confused about the difference in pronunciation between beer, beard and bear? If so, you are not...
2 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishHow to Speak English Like a NativeWhen we're learning a second language, we tend to approach it with our eyes first and our ears second....
2 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishPronunciation Tip: How English Speakers HesitateWhat sound do native English speakers make when hesitating? The answer to that question is a key to correctly...
3 minutesRose Shahnazaryan9 years agoEnglish3 easy tips to help you progress quickly Learning a new language online is getting increasingly popular today. It's easier, it saves time, and...
2 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishPronunciation Tip: ‘Owe’In this article you’ll learn how to pronounce the word ‘owe’. This will give you the key to pronouncing...
a few secondsTravis Thomas6 years agoEnglishTongue Twister TuesdaysHello everyone, I decided to create a video series around tongue twisters since I use them to help with...
2 minutesJohn Colt8 years agoEnglishPronunciation Tip: 'The' You probably know that 'the' can be pronounced two ways, depending on the word that follows it. But...