Love Sentences and Expressions in Italian Language

We are in the period of San Valentine. Therefore, I thought to write this article about love sentences in Italian language, hoping it will be useful to those of you that have their sweethearts in Italy!

I also wrote the pronunciation of the most difficult words.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me here on Verbling. I would be more than glad to help you 😉

Let’s start!

1- The most famous (and important 😉) sentence is obviously “Ti amo” which means : “I love you” * You can also say : “Ti amo molto!” or “Ti amo moltissimo!” Which mean respectively : “ I love you very much” and “ I love you very very much “

2-“Sono pazzo di te”: “I am crazy for you” ( if who is saying the sentence is a man) While If the sentence is said by a lady, then it would be "Sono pazza di te!"

3-“Luce mia” : “my light” * The “Ce” in the word "luce" is pronounced like the "che" in "check" * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

4-“Tesoro mio” : “my treasure” (or my darling) * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

5-“Vita mia” : “my life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

6- “Anima mia” : “my soul” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

7- “amore mio”: “my love” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

8- “Ti amo di un amore senza fine”: “I love you with an endless love” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

9-“Amo solo te” : “I love only you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

10-“Sei Bellissima” : “you are very beautiful”
* It is said to a lady * While if the sentence is said to a man then it would be “sei bellissimo”

11-“Sei incredibile” : “You are incredible” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

12- “Sei la mia rosa”: “you are my rose” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

13-“Sei un dono” : “you are a gift” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

14-“Amore ti amo” : “My love, I love you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

15- “Ti adoro” : “I adore you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

16- “Sei stupenda” : “you are fantastic” (said to a lady) “Sei stupendo” (said to a man)

17- “Tu sei l'unica per me” : “you are the only one for me” * Said to a lady, while if the sentence is said to a man then it would be “Tu sei l’unico per me”

18- “Non posso vivere senza di te”: “I can't live without you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

19- “Ti penso sempre” : “I'm always thinking about you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

20- “Sei il mio eroe” : “you are my hero” * Said towards a man

21- “Non posso fare a meno dei tuoi baci” : “I cannot stay without your kisses” * The “ci” in the word “baci” is pronounced like the "chee" in "cheese" * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

22- “Sei tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno” : “you are everything I need” * "ciò" pronounced like "cho" in the word “chocolate” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

23- “Sei tutto per me” : “You are everything to me” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

24- “Sei il mio incantesimo” : “You are my enchantment” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

25- “Tu sei il sole del mia vita”: “You are the sunshine of my life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

26- “Sei la mia vita” : “You are my life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

27- “Sei molto dolce” : “you are very sweet” * The “ce” in the word “dolce” is pronounced like the "che" in "check" * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

28- “Mi manchi” : “I miss you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently * The “chi” in the word “manchi” is pronounced like the “ki” in the word “kiss”

29- “Ho bisogno di te” : “I need you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently * Please notice that the “gno” in “bisogno” is pronounced like “nio”

30- “Mi mancano i tuoi occhi” : “I miss your eyes” * The “chi” in the word “occhi” is pronounced like the “ki” in the word “kiss” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

31 “Mi mancano i tuoi baci” : “I miss your kisses” * The “ci” in the word “baci” is pronounced like the "chee" in "cheese" * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

32- “Sei la mia vita”: “you are my life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

33- “Ti penso ogni giorno”: “I think of you every day" Please notice that the “gni” in “ogni” is pronounced like “nyi” * The “gi” in “giorno” is pronounced like the “j” in the word “joke” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

34- “Tu sei nel mio cuore”: “You are in my heart” * The “c” in the word “cuore” is pronounced like the “k” in the word “kiss” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

35- “Senza di te la mia vita non ha senso”: “without you my life has no meaning” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

36- “Ti amerò finché avrò vita”: “I will love you as long as I’m alive.” * The “ch” in the word “finché” is pronounced like the “ke” in the “Ken” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

37- “Sei la mia anima gemella” : “You are my soul mate” * The “ge” in “gemella” is pronounced like the “je” in “jet” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

38- “Cuore mio” : “my heart” * The “c” in the word “cuore” is pronounced like the “k” in the word “kiss” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

39- “Per me sei come acqua nel deserto” : “to me you are like water in the desert” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

40- “Hai dato un senso alla mia vita”: “you have given meaning to my life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

41- “Ti amerò per tutta la vita”: “I will love you my whole life” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

42-“Ti amerò per sempre” : “I will love you forever” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

43- “Finalmente ti ho incontrato”: “I have finally met you” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

44- “Tu sei quella (quello) che stavo aspettando” : “you are the one I have been waiting for” (quello : male , quella : female)

45- “Sei come un raggio di sole che illumina la mia vita” : “You are like a sun ray that brightens my life.” * “che” is pronounced like the “ke” in “Ken” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

46- “Grazie cara (caro) per tutto l’amore che mi dai” : “Thank you my dear for all the love that you give me.” * caro: to a man / cara: to a lady
47- “Sei la ragione per cui vivo, per cui ogni giorno sorrido” : “You are my reason for living, for which I smile every day.” * The “gi” in “ragione” and in “giorno” is pronounced like the “j” in the word “joke” * Please notice that the “gni” in “ogni” is pronounced like “nyi” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently 48- “Amore è gioia, amore è tenerezza, amore è calore. Amore sei tu!”: “Love is joy, love is tenderness, love is warmth. Love it’s you!” * The “gi” in “gioia” is pronounced like the “j” in the word “joke” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

49- “Ho bisogno delle tue carezze e dei tuoi abbracci” : “I need your caresses and your hugs.” * Please notice that the “gno” in “bisogno” is pronounced like “nyo” * The “ci” in the word “abbracci” is pronounced like the "chee" in "cheese" * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently
50- “Ho scritto una storia d'amore senza inizio e senza nostra storia” : “I have written a love story without a beginning or an end...our story.” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

51- “Mi sono dissetato alla fontana dei tuoi baci” : “I quenched my thirst at the fountain of your kisses.” * The “ci” in the word “baci” is pronounced like the "chee" in "cheese"
52- “Vorrei tenerti per mano” : “I would like to hold your hand.” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

53- “Oggi si festeggia il tuo compleanno ma io lo festeggio tutti i giorni” : “Today is the celebration of your birthday but I celebrate it every day.” * The “gi” in “oggi”, “festeggia”and “giorni” is pronounced like the “j” in the word “joke” * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

54- “Voglio fare l'amore con te” : “I want to make love with you”
* Notice that the “g” in “voglio” is not pronounced * It can be used towards a man or a lady indifferently

55- “Sono solo tua” : “I’m only yours” (said by a lady) “Sono solo tuo” (said by a man)

56- “Per sempre” : “forever”

57- “Per sempre tua” : “forever yours” ( said by a lady) "Per sempre tuo" : “said by a man”

58- “Per sempre insieme” : “together forever”
59- “Io e te per sempre insieme” : “you and I together forever”
60- “Resta con me per sempre” : “stay with me forever”

I hope you liked this article and I wish to all of you a life full of LOVE!! 💘💘 Buon San Valentino! Alessandro
18. Februar 2020
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Ciao! I am Italian from Reggio Calabria : A lovely city in southern Italy! I'm a teacher of Italian language since 2014. If you want to learn Italian, I will be very happy to help you! I have got a certificate as " Teacher of Italian Language for foreigners " from the University of Dante Alighieri in Reggio Calabria. I have been teaching Italian since 2014. I teach students of levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. I have a proven and successful method that will bring you from zero to advanced level in a short period of time! In our first lesson, I would like to know YOUR goals and aims, in order we work to reach them together, I will prepare a specific and individual program JUST FOR YOU!! My lessons are enjoyable, because we will not just discuss language and grammar, but also cultural sides and curious stuff as well. In the lessons you will also watch movies and listen to songs in order to practice what you have learnt. I believe practice is the right way in order to learn a language, s...
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Ciao! I am Italian from Reggio Calabria : A lovely city in southern Italy! I'm a teacher of Italian language since 2014. If you want to learn Italian, I will be very happy to help you! I have got a certificate as " Teacher of Italian Language for foreigners " from the University of Dante Alighieri in Reggio Calabria. I have been teaching Italian since 2014. I teach students of levels A1, A2, B1 and B2. I have a proven and successful method that will bring you from zero to advanced level in a short period of time! In our first lesson, I would like to know YOUR goals and aims, in order we work to reach them together, I will prepare a specific and individual program JUST FOR YOU!! My lessons are enjoyable, because we will not just discuss language and grammar, but also cultural sides and curious stuff as well. In the lessons you will also watch movies and listen to songs in order to practice what you have learnt. I believe practice is the right way in order to learn a language, s...
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