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A few must-know adverbs and phrases for connecting thoughts in Romanian

vor 7 Jahren
* Câteva adverbe pe care trebuie să le știi pentru a-ți conecta gândurile:
* A few must-know adverbs and phrases for connecting thoughts:
  • de asemenea = also
  • încă = still
  • în orice caz = however
  • prin urmare = therefore
  • pe de altă parte = on the other hand
  • în prezent = currently
  • de fapt = in fact
  • în cele din urmă = finally
  • totuşi = nevertheless
  • prin urmare = consequently
  • într-adevăr = indeed
  • în loc să = instead
  • de asemenea = likewise
  • în plus = moreover
  • între timp = meanwhile
  • în cele din urmă = eventually
  • în afară de asta = besides
  • cu siguranță = certainly
  • în plus = in addition
  • apoi = then
Kommentare (1)
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You are very kind to share these helpful "connecting words" Maria-Camelia, mulțumesc foarte mult! I attend weekly Orthodox services with my local Romanian community, who has welcomed me, and I really want to learn your incredible native language.
vor 7 Jahren
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Cu plăcere, Michael! ^_^ I am glad to hear you are interested in learning Romanian. It is a challenging language, but it is worth it I would say. :) If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to share anything related to Romania, from culture and traditions to, of course, the language and Romanian people in general. Have a great week! :)
vor 7 Jahren
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Mulțumesc Maria-Camelia! I do hope to study Romanian at least 15 minutes a day, learning the basics. I am very strongly considering lessons because it's nice to hear the discussion among parish members after service, but I'd like to understand everything and perhaps add comments of my own! Yes, I'd definitely be interested in learning more about Romanian traditions as well. I really appreciate your encouragement!
vor 7 Jahren