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Arabic personal pronouns

5 years ago
Pronoun Suffix + Nouns:
1- When a pronoun suffix is attached to a noun it becomes a Possessive Pronoun.
2- Possessive Pronouns indicate ownership
My book كِتَابٌ + أَنَا = كِتَابِي
My book is new كِتَابِي جَدِيدٌ
Pronoun Suffix + Verbs:
1- When a pronoun suffix is attached to a verb, it indicates the Direct Object of the Verb (who or what is receiving the action)
“She hit him” ضَرَبَتْ + هُوَ = ضَرَبَتْهُ
ـه - Direct Object of the Verb. “Him”
**When the 1st person singular pronoun suffix is attached to a verb a “ن” is added before the pronoun suffix.
They hit me ضَرَبُوا + أَنَا = ضَرَبُونِي
Example of Possessive Pronoun and Direct Object of the Verb
He sent me to your office هُوَ أَرْسَلَنِي إِلَى مَكْتَبِكَ