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Arrogantly Ignorant

3 years ago

Arrogantly Ignorant

Regarding the English ABCs, Many are Arrogantly Ignorant

When I suggest that one must begin perfecting their English pronunciation by relearning the ABCs, many indignantly respond that they learned the ABCs as children and need not learn them again. Yet almost certainly, they were taught the ABCs using the sounds of their native language or, from a non-native English-speaking teacher. Thus, regarding the English ABCs, they are ignorant.

How can you expect to speak English words if you do not know the sounds of the alphabet letters forming the words the letters represent?

The English alphabet’s ABCs do not represent the same sounds as the same letters in other languages. To persist in attempting to learn English pronunciation while refusing to correct your English pronunciation foundation, the ABCs, is arrogantly ignorant; You must master the foundation of English pronunciation, the English alphabet, the ABCs.

Locutionary Talks MP3's PDF Dictionary Workbook's

Chapter: Alphabet Letters, Letter Names, and Alphabet Sounds is a must-read for all English pronunciation students. Fortify your English pronunciation foundation by diligently studying these eighteen pages paying attention to the details.

Mentor Josephan

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Mentor Josephan

United States
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