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How to make Plural in Arabic

7 months ago
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The Plural (الجمع) has two types in Arabic: Regular (Sound) Plural (جمع سالم) and Irregular (Broken) Plural (جمع تكسير). Regular Plural is itself divided into two types: Sound Masculine Plural (جمع مذكّر سالم) and Sound Feminine Plural (جمع مؤنّث سالم).
Sound Masculine Plural is formed by adding ين/-ون- to the end of the word in masculine nouns/adjectives depending on the grammatical case of the word.
Sound Feminine Plural is formed by adding ات- to the end of the word in feminine nouns/adjectives.
Broken Plural does not follow rules, but is formed by breaking the word and adding certain letters to it to make it plural.