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In your experience what is the most difficult thing about learning something new?

5 years ago
I think one of the most difficult aspects of learning something new is the fear of failure or making yourself look silly. In reality everyone is nervous trying something new and you shouldn't let your fears get in the way!
Comments (3)
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In my experience, it was fear. Fear of saying it wrong or using the words in a bad or wrong way especially in conversations with native speakers. It’s hard to overcome the fear at times but I think now I’m beginning to take that leap.
5 years ago
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You are completely correct Jen. I want my lessons to be spaces where students feel that they can make as many mistakes as they like! :) When we were all learning to walk, we stumbled and tumbled many times, but then got back up and carried on. When I correct my students, it is because a mistake is an opportunity to learn and become better at using English! :)
5 years ago
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I agree with you. Failure is one of the most difficult things to accept when learning something new. But then again, if we don't fail, we won't learn. We learn from our mistakes which is sometimes very difficult to accept.
5 years ago