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The Absolute Object Arabic

5 years ago
The Absolute Object (المفعول المطلق) is a special type of object that serves to emphasize the meaning of the main verb. It is typically formed by using the verbal noun (المصدر) derived from the main verb in the accusative form, e.g.
انتصر الجيش انتصاراً.
‘The army has achieved victory.’
The absolute objects can be modified by adjectives that modify the meaning further by adding certain qualifications, e.g.
انتصر الجيش انتصاراً حاسماً.
‘The army has achieved a decisive victory.’
مشيت مشياً سريعاً.
‘I walked quickly (lit. quick walking).’
The absolute object can serve to show the number of times an action has been performed, e.g.
ضربت الكرة ضربةً وأنت ضربتها ضربتين.
‘I hit the ball once (lit. one hit), and you hit it twice (lit. two hits).’