A Few English Slang Words

Slang is confusing...

...it can be texted or said, offensive or friendly. It can be really hard to tell what a slang word means or how to use it without some help. Today I just wanted to share a few words that I think may help people understand conversations they hear online or around them.

Disclaimer: I don't recommend using these words in daily conversation until you are very comfortable with when and how to use them properly. If you haven't heard it from the people you talk to, I don't suggest trying to use it.

However, I heard these often in my high school, and I continue to hear them at my university too.
  • Sweet
  • Cool
  • Awesome
  • Dope
  • Legit
  • Hype
  • Baller
  • Lit
They are almost always used like this:
"That's so [slang]!" or if you're less excited, "Oh, that's pretty [slang]."

For example:
P1: "Dude, did you see that new Alita movie?"
P2: "Yeah! I thought it was pretty dope, what'd you think?"

Note: Sweet, cool, and awesome are MUCH more universally used than the last four. I use "cool" and "awesome" around my teachers and boss, but I use "dope" around my friends.
There are a few more (Wizard, Gnarly, Snazzy etc.) but they are not very common and are most often said as a joke.

The last three are almost always used to describe music. They are often said ironically for humor because they sound silly.
  • Fire
  • To slap / Slappin'
  • A bop
For example:
P1: "Yo - What was that song? That was a bop! What's it called?"
P2: "I dunno, but it was slappin'. I'll go as Tom - this is his Spotify playing."

I'd love to hear whether or not you have heard any of these before!

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