You won't be lost in Russia.
During the lockdown, many people are dreaming of traveling again. If you've always wanted to come to Russia, here are some useful words and phrases for you to know. You'll see that the most necessary words for travelers in the Russian language are borrowed from other languages, and similar to the English ones.
Most of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg residents use the metro, even if they have a car because of traffic jams during rush hours.
Metro - метрО (the accent is on the last syllable)
Metro *station - стАнция метрО [stAntsiya metrO].
You need to add only the world "где" -"where" to get a complete sentence.
Где стАнция метрО? [Gde stAntsiya metrO] -Where's the metro station?
Some other places:
Где музЕй? [Gde muzEy] -
Where's the museum?
Где кафЕ? [Gde kafE] -
Where's the cafe?
Где супермАркет? [Gde supermArket] -
Where's the supermarket?
Где фастфуд ресторАн? [Gde fastfUd restorAn] -
Where's the fast-food restaurant?
Где туалЕт? [Gde tualEt] -
Where's the toilet?
Где отEль? [Gde otEl] -
Where's the hotel?
Make sure you're ready when it's time to travel!
*I'll tell you about the combination "tion" in the Russian language in one of my next articles."
19 mai 2020