How to be Fluent in Spanish ?

¿How can you quickly improve your Spanish?
How can you increase your vocabulary?
How can you improve your language skills while having a good time and enjoying it at the same time?

1. If you want to improve your fluency, the best advice would be to read every day! Since this helps to improve greatly, also if you want to continue learning new vocabulary and improve your ability to express fluently in Spanish, either orally or in writing, the best idea to read stories or novels in your original text.
Many people think they may need language learning, but this is not true, you just need encouragement and determination and a lot, a lot of practice.
You just have to read your favorite book, for about 20 minutes every day out loud, accompanied by a friend or teacher who helps you correct the words correctly and to help you correct your mistakes.
Other words or words related to the sea of ​​your interest. Avece the best thing is to have it in your mother tongue and in the ones you are learning.
 From the first weeks of learning a new language, you can begin to benefit from this wonderful reading tool!
It is not easy to go to a place where you can not communicate with anyone. At first, you will end up frustrated most of the time. You must consciously close yourself out of your comfort zone and not allow yourself to step back inside of it for a while. But after all, you will be grateful for this decision.

It does not have to be in a place where the country is a native language. Not learning a language for the reason that you can not visit a place where you speak is an excuse. Breathing the air of Argentina would not make me learn Spanish and many foreigners who live abroad never learn a local language.

Technology makes everything possible these days. Broadcast some movies, download podcasts, books, do anything to have contact with the language. There is even a Chrome add-on that can translate some parts of a text that I would normally read in English.

2. Learn some Latin first
Many languages ​​have words that share a common root (Greek / Latin or other). They can be spelled slightly differently, but you should try hard not to recognize them. I studied Latin at the university with a very strict teacher and, however useless it may seem, it was the best thing I've ever done. Thanks to Latin, by understanding its grammatical structure and the origin of many words, it is now easier to learn any foreign language. I will totally introduce my children to Latin from the beginning.

3. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and just talk.
Fluency and precision are two different things. When I lived in Italy, I spoke Italian fluently, but it was far from accurate. Speaking from experience, it is better to be fluent at the beginning and apply precision later. It may not have been accurate in Italian, but at least I can talk. While in German, I am VERY accurate when it comes to the use of grammar and vocabulary, but I would never say that I am fluent because my vocabulary is quite limited.

Most people tend to fear looking stupid and do not even try to speak the foreign language until they are sure of their abilities. That is the biggest mistake you can make. Speak, make mistakes and ask people to correct you. But learn the words first, before mastering your grammar.

Embrace your mistakes For a long time, I kept saying 'my birthday' instead of 'my birthday', which made my friends laugh at me because I have more than one birthday. Remember that many native English speakers can not even speak or spell correctly in English, so learning another language is already an achievement.

4. Take individual language courses.
Group classes can be fun, but they will not teach you as much as individual classes. Also, take advantage of the fact that the teacher is there for you. You have questions about things you are not sure of and Speak, Speak, and Speak This is the best tool to be fluid!

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