Self Study

Of course there are lots of amazing teachers here on Verbling and they all have fantastic materials but there is always a need to self study when learning a foreign language. So how can we make this more efficient?

Here are some tools to help:

This is a great resource to make flash cards to practise with and thousands of teachers and students use it so there are literally millions of ready made sets.

Don' t be fooled this is a great site to see idioms and collocations in context. You can see them in dozens of example sentences.

BBC 6 minute English
This is a great resource to practise listening with short videos with questions and answers as well as a transcript.

This is a great way to see idioms and language chunks in context. It searches youtube and provides you with lots of examples

Please add any more below!

10 gennaio 2020
Mi vida antes del Covid- 19 (IMPERFECTO) A-2
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Alejandra Santiago
7 agosto 2020
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Abby H
7 agosto 2020
The Origins of popular English Idioms
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Jen Mc Monagle
7 agosto 2020