Similarities and differences between Serbian and Turkish phrases
Hello dear Sirs, how are you? I hope you are fine. This time I decided to help all Turkish speakers who would like to learn Serbian language for a bit, so that could understand us much easier. Please, keep in mind that I am not going to teach you anything bad, so NO SWEARING WORDS!!! I am so sorry if you thought I would do it, please, go and google it by yourself 😊.
This article is going to be split in three parts:
1. Serbian and Turkish letters
2. Love phrases
3. Other phrases
Please, when you finish with reading, feel free to read it out loud when you are alone or even better with your beloved one (a Serbian speaker of course).
Are you ready to start?
Serbian (Cyrilic) Serbian (Latin) Turski (Turkish – Türkçe)
A a A a A a
Б б B b B b
В в V v V v
Г г G g G g
Д д D d D d
Ђ ђ Đ đ Ca, Ce, Ci, ... together
Е е Е е Е е
Ж ж Ž ž J j
З з Z z Z z
И и I i İ i
Ј ј J j Y y
K k K k K k
Л л L l L l
Љ љ LJ lj LY ly
М м M m M m
Н н N n N n
Њ њ NJ nj NY ny
O o O o O o
П п P p P p
Р р R r R r
С с S s S s
Т т T t T t
У у U u U u
Ф ф F f F f
Х х H h H h
Ц ц C c TS ts
Ч ч Č č like in English CH ch
Џ џ DŽ dž C c
Ш ш Š š Ş ş
In Novı Pazar (Yenı Pazar) and other parts of South of Serbia.... we have about 70% of Muslims, so that is they use a looot of Turkish words and of course, apart of religion they took Turkish names such as Faruk, Fikret, Mustafai ... or female names such as Fatima, Zejnep, .... for names such as Ömer we use normal O.
For the last names such as Erdoğan – we would write wıth G because we do not have Ğ in Serbian so that is the reason why Serbian people might mispronounce some names or last names.
Also instead of Ü we put U.
If you want to listen to the pronunciation, please, feel free to do it right here:
For English speakers:
For Turkish speakers --- Turkleri icin
If you want to see some similar words between Serbian and Turkish, do it here
Serbian people are pretty much expressive people and very sociable as well. When they want to be romantic they can use all their creativity to do it.
For example, we can compare people with
1. nature:
Sunce (Sun, güneş) – my Sun (güneşim) moje sunce
Zvezda (star, yıldız) – my star (yıldızım) – zvezdo moja
Mesec (ay, moon) – my moon (ayım) – meseče moj
Svetlost (light, ışık) – my light (ışığım) – moja svetlosti
Tama (darkness, karanlık) – my darkness (karanlığım) – moja tamo (Use it only ıf you are unhappy wıth that person)
2. food, such as
Čokolada - chocolate – çikolata (moja čokolado – my chocolate – çikolatam)
Kolač - cake - pasta (moj kolaču/kolačiću --- my cake – pastam/ pastacım)
Med – honey – bal (medu moj – my honey – balım)
Or with any fruit (jabuka – apple (elma) – jabuko moja - elmam , jagoda – strawbery (çilek) – jagodo moja - çileğim etc
3. Feelings such as
Ljubav - love (aşk) ----- ljubavi moja, my love, aşkım
Mili moj / mila moja (dragi moj/draga moja) - canim
Sreća – happiness (mutluluk) --- Srećo moja, my happiness, mutluluğum
Tuga – sadness (üzgüntü) --- tugo moja, my sadness, üzgüntüm
Radost – joy (neşe) --- radosti moja , my joy, neşem
Rana - wound (yara) --- rano moja, my wound, yaram
Voljeni / voljena – love one – sevgi (voljeni moj/ voljena moja --- sevgilim)
4. Parts of the body
Srce – heart, kalp (srce moje – my heart, benim kalbim)
Duša – soul, ruhu (dušo moja – my soul, ruhum benim)
Oko – eye, göz (oko moje, my eye, gözüm)
5. Animals
Lav – lion, aslan (lave moj – my lion – aslanım) – tell it to the man, erkeke söyle
Lavica (lavice moja) --- tell it to the woman, kadına söyle
Mačka – cat- kedi (mačko moja – my cat – benim kedim) – say it to the woman (kadına söyle)
Mačor (mačoru moj) -- tell it to the man, erkeke söyle
Tigar – tiger, kaplan (tigru moj) – tell it to the man, erkeke söyle
Tigrica (tigrice moja) --- say it to the woman (kadına söyle)
***Use tigar/tigrica to express how good is somebody in sexual activities.
Riba – fish, balık (ribo moja) --- say it to the woman (kadına söyle)
*** Use Riba just to compliment her good looking and just to start flirt.
Kuca- dog – köpekci --- kuco moja (my doggy, köpekçim)
Jagnje – lamb – yavru --- jagnje moje (my lamb, yavrum)
Pile --- chick --- civciv --- pile moje (my chick, civcivim)
Volim te – I love you (Seni seviyorum)
Obožavam te – I adore you (tapıyorum seni)
Volim te više od svega – I love you more than everything (kurban olurum sana)
Ja ne mogu da živim bez tebe – I can not live without you – Sensiz yaşamam
Oduzimaš mi dah - You take my breath away --- Benim nefresim aliyorsun
Ti si najbolji/najbolja --- You are the best – Sen en iyisin
Imaš lepe oči – You have beautiful eyes – Senin güzel gözlerini var
Imaš prelep osmeh – You have a charming smile --- Büyüleyici bir gülümsemen var.
Poješću te – I will it you (from the head to your feet) – Yerim seni
Đavo te odneo – may you be brought by demon (we use it in a very lovely way usually, with a smile in a face to express that somebody is so irresistible)
For Turkish people it would be like: sende şeytan tüyü var
Da li ćeš se udati za mene? – Will you marry me? – Benimle evlenir misin?
Budi moj dečko/devojka --- Be my boyfriend/girlfriend (benim erkek/kız arkadaşim ol)
Budi moj muž/žena --- Be my husband/wife (Benim karınım/kocam ol)
Želim te – I desire you – Seni arzuluyorum
Želim biti sa tobom. – Ben seninle olmak istiyorum
Želim te pored sebe. – I want you next to me – Seni benim yanimda istiyorum
Bolestan/bolesna sam od ljubavi za tobom --- I am sick because I love you. – Senden dolayi hastayim, çünkü seni seviyorum.
Note: If you are a native Turkish speaker, NEVER say “karakız’ to any Serbian girl. Why?
Kara means “penis” in Serbian
Karati means “to f…”
Also, “karati” could mean “to critise” somebody because of the bad behavior (however, this is old-fashioned)
Other phrases:
Elinize Sağlık - zdravlje Vašim rukama (literally), but in Serbian we would translate it as (ruke ti se pozlatile - may your hands become golden)
Kolay Gelsin -- lak rad (literally), but in Serbian we would translate it as "srećan rad " and we would translate it as may your work be lucky one.
We could use: kolaj rabota – easy work but it is old fashioned. Plus, here we used Turkish kolay – kolaj and Russian rabota - work
Buyurum (Bujrum ) – Buyurun --- it is used by muslims, otherwise we would use "izvolite".
Allah canını almasın – may God not take your life --- Neka te Bog (Alah) ne uzme.
Allah iyilik versin – May Allah give you positive things
In Serbiıan we would say it ‘Neka te Bog/Allah nagradi’ – May God/Allah gives you the prıze (nagraditi – ödul vermek)
Bog/Allah te blagosloviıo – May God/Allah bless you --- Allah seni kutsasın
Neka te Bog čuva – May God/Allah save you --- Allah seni korusun
That is all. I hope you enjoyed reading thıs article. İf you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends.
Now go and tell one of those phrases to your friend/beloved one right now.
Good luck.