1分Scott Parrant5年前英語What Is The Difference Between Red Kangaroos And Grey Kangaroos?The Grey Kangaroo: There are two species of grey kangaroos, Eastern grey (Macropus giganteous) and...
2分Scott Parrant5年前英語Jokes in LevelsSnail and Turtle - Level 1 A snail is attacked by a turtle. The policeman says, "Can you tell us what...
3分Scott Parrant5年前英語The 8 Top Tricks for Remembering Irregular English Verbs 1. Group common irregular verbs together Irregular verbs don’t follow any rules, which is what makes...
9分Scott Parrant5年前英語76 English Phrases for TravelingGreetings Good morning. This phrase is used as a standard greeting for English speakers in the morning....