3 rules to adding a new habit to your life.... like learning a new language!

Due to the current situation, it seems like a lot of people have been taking up new habits. Myself for one....I've never been a fan of cooking, but over the past few weeks, most likely out of boredom or due to having more free time, I've really taken a liking to baking and have discovered that I'm not actually that bad at it! 😄

I've also been reading all about how long it actually takes to convert something into a habit and for it to really become a part of your daily life. It seems there are different ideas all over the Internet. Some people say it takes 21 days, other say a full year.....I think nobody really knows and it definitely depends on each individual/motivation. However, one thing is true, in order to start a new habit, it's important to lay out a few rules....and to stick to them.

1) Start with ONE goal at a time.

Everybody has different abilities, which means that for one person starting a new habit can be really easy, whereas for another it can be a little more complicated. Some goals don't require that much effort and other are quite a personal challenge.

A first habit represents a new goal to fulfil in your life and it is important to only focus on one at a time, particularly at the start.

2) Record your daily progress.
The only way we can really incorporate a habit is to repeat the action as many times necessary for it to become automatic. That means consistency! However, this can be a problem if we can't remember if we have been consistent or not. The only way to know is by writing it down and keeping an eye your progress.

3) Test yourself every so often.

If you have met your goal every day and even consider that it doesn't take a lot of energy to do it, then you could consider incorporating a new habit and even increase the intensity of the action (for example, spending a little longer reading in English).

However, if the activity still requires an effort on your part, (meaning you haven't managed to do it continuously), then you haven't yet converted this routine into a habit.

Good luck with starting your new habits during this difficult time! #stayathome
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