Lomilci jezika_Trabalenguas en esloveno_Tongue twisters in Slovene
Phrases used as tongue twisters usually don't have a deeper meaning or make sense at all, but are great for us, language explorers, to get a sense of pronunciation and intonation.
One of the pronunciation challenges in Slovene language are the letters
Č [tʃ], Š [ʃ] and Ž [ʒ]. My favourite words containing these letters are
ČRIČEK (a cricket, el grillo),
PRŠEC (a drizzle, la llovizna)
and ŽAREK (a beam, el rayo)
Here are three phrases to give your tongue a good workout. Try repeating them three times and increase speed at every repetition. 😄
Here, I'll go first:
1. Če čebela ne bi če imela, bi čebela bila bela. Keyword: čebela = bee, la abeja
2. Pešec pešači čez peskasto cestišče. Keyword: pešec = pedestrian, el peatón
3. Od Ježce čez cesto v Stožce po rožce. Keyword: rožica = small flower, la florecita
Which one was the hardest to repeat for you?
As you can hear my tongue got twisted at the last repetition of the second phrase :D
2019년 5월 30일