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Viktoras Iliopoulos
그리스어 (Greek)
알바니아어 (Albanian)
+ 추가 6개 보기
레슨: 706학습자: 60
Hello there! My name is Viktor, I am 28 years old, and I have a master's diploma in Βalkanistics at Charles University in Prague, with specialization Albanian&Bulgarian Languages. I finished my bachelor's degree in Slavistics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Slavistics. Since my childhood, I had a big passion for learning foreign languages. I started this fascinating journey to the world of foreign languages quite equipped since I had two equal mother tongues Albanian and Greek. I can also speak in very advanced level Russian, English, Bulgarian, Czech, and a bit of German. I love traveling, I enjoy talking about politics, history, geography, and other various topics.
I started teaching the Albanian Language at the age of 20 mostly out of curiosity to some of my friends. Since that time, I realized that not only did I love doing that but also that I was good at it. So I realized I should learn the language from all its aspects and in December 2013...
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(학생 평가: 346)