
12:01 PM (GMT-03:00)Italian
About Me
Ciao, I am Christian and I am a native Italian teacher with more than 15 years of teaching experience.
I have the privilege to have lived in Italy, where I was born, in Australia and now in Argentina. In Italy, I became a teacher and started to work in schools, but it was in Australia, and after in Argentina, where I could really gain experience in teaching my native language to people from all around the world. Based on my experience, most students of all ages start to learn when they get involved not only in the grammar, but also in the real cultural context of my country in an entertaining and relaxed environment.
I personally prepare the material for my students and send it to them every week.
All my lessons have a strong focus on communication and listening.
Read MoreI have the privilege to have lived in Italy, where I was born, in Australia and now in Argentina. In Italy, I became a teacher and started to work in schools, but it was in Australia, and after in Argentina, where I could really gain experience in teaching my native language to people from all around the world. Based on my experience, most students of all ages start to learn when they get involved not only in the grammar, but also in the real cultural context of my country in an entertaining and relaxed environment.
I personally prepare the material for my students and send it to them every week.
All my lessons have a strong focus on communication and listening.
My trial lessons
This is an opportunity to get to know each other and discuss goals. I will show an example of my method and what my lessons will be like.
Read MoreTrial Lesson
One time, 30 minutesPrivate Lessons
60 minutesTeacher Stats
Teaching Expertise
Upper Beginner
Upper Intermediate
Upper Advanced
2006 - 2009
Laurea Magistrale in Giuriprudenza
Universitá degli Studi di Trento - Trento
Tesi in Storia del Diritto Romano
2001 - 2006
Laurea Scienze Giuridiche
Universitá degli Studi di Trento - Trento
Tesi in Diritto Canonico
1995 - 2000
Diploma Magitrale
Liceo Antonio Rosmini - Trento, Italia
Focus sui principi pedagocici e sull'insegnamento
Work Experience
2014 - 2015
Insegnante di Italiano per studenti stranieri
Dante Alighieri El Palomar – Caseros, Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Insegnante di Italiano per adulti argentini presso la sede Dante Alighieri El Palomar – Caseros, Buenos Aires
2013 - 2014
Insegnante di Italiano per studenti stranieri
Kew Neighbourhood Learning Center - Melbourne (Australia)
Insegnante di Italiano per studenti australiani in un istituto privato australiano (Kew Neighbourhood Learning Center)
2007 - 2013
Insegnante di Italiano e Diritto
Univeritá Popolare Trentina - Trento
Insegnante titolare di Italiano e Diritto in un istituto professionale (U.P.T.)
2000 - 2006
Insegnante supplente di Italiano
Scuola Elementare - Istituto Comprensorio Trentino - Trento (Italia)
Insegnante supplente di Italiano nelle classi elementari
2015 - 0
Esaminatore del Plida (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri)
Instituto Bilingue Dante Alighieri - Villa Carlos Paz
Esaminatore delle prove orali dei diversi livelli della certificazione PLIDA
2015 - 0
Insegnante di Italiano per studenti stranieri
Instituto Bilingue Dante Alighieri - Villa Carlos Paz (Argentina)
Insegnante di Italiano in un istituto bilingue secondario (Instituto Bilingue Dante Alighieri di Villa Carlos Paz)
2015 - 2015
Insegnare Italiano come lingua straniera: principi, metodi e tecniche
EDULINGUA Laboratorio di lingua e cultura italiana - corso di aggiornamento on line
Focus su glottodidattica, uso delle nuove tecnologie per la classe di italiano, didattizzazione e analisi di materiali per la classe