¿Español o Castellano? Spanish or Castilian?

Esta es una de las preguntas más comunes que mis estudiantes me hacen todo el tiempo, principalmente de los estudiantes brasileños.

Por si no lo sabes el idioma que hablamos más de 500 millones de personas tiene dos formas de hablarlo: Español o Castellano, aunque en inglés es más popular conocerlo como Spanish y no Castilian. Sin embargo para otras lenguas de descendencia latina las dos palabras son conocidas y por eso hay algo de confusión.

Pero la verdad es que las dos denominaciones de la lengua son sinónimas, es decir son la misma cosa. Sin embargo la Real Academia Española (RAE) que es la principal organización que vela por la lengua panhispánica, es clara en resaltar que lo correcto es decir ESPAÑOL.

La RAE se refiere al Español como “Lengua romance que se habla en España, gran parte de América, Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial y otros lugares del mundo”. También la RAE denomina al Castellano como “Dialecto romance originario de Castilla, del que fundamentalmente proviene el español”.

Por eso muchacho yo les recomiendo referirse al idioma hispano como español y usen Castellano solo para diferenciarlo de otras lenguas nativas de España como el Euskera, Catalán, Gallego etc. Porque si no lo sabías en España se hablan 6 idiomas oficiales y el Castellano es una de ellas que también se le conoce como Español.

Si tienes más dudas puedes enviarme un mensaje y con gusto la responderé.

Abstract in English:

My native language is also well-known as Castilian. So you can say I Speak Spanish or Castilian. However the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) recommends using SPANISH instead of Castilian. You can use Castilian to differentiate it from other languages in Spain. Yes, Spain has 6 official languages but the Castilian (from Castilla-Aragon province) is the only spoken by all in Spain, so Castilian is Spanish.

I know that is a little bit confuse, but some students have that kind doubts, specially students from Brazil. Remember you are learning Spanish, no matter if you are from USA, Europe, Canada or Brazil.

You have doubts or curiosities about Spanish or Portuguese, share them with me.

10 de Março de 2017
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😄Hola mi gente. Hi! My name is Wolfang "Wolf" Rojas, I am from Colombia (not from Germany as many people think, haha ) Nowadays I am living in Brazil. Thanks to all the more than 300 students I have had since 2016. Before talking about me, please check the following policies: ⚠️IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ➡️Due to the high demand for lessons, I suggest scheduling your lesson in advance for the next, two, three, or more weeks. If you used to schedule the lesson each week probably you will not find availability on my calendar. ➡️Due to back-to-back lessons, the lesson may start late, for a maximum of 5 minutes, so I appreciate your understanding. ➡️If you are absent for more than 21 minutes, the lesson will end and will be marked as Completed. No refunds will be given. However, if you experience connection issues or even a personal emergency, you can contact me via chat up to 1 minute before the lesson starts to reschedule the lesson. ➡️ It is highly recommended to use a laptop for bala...
😄Hola mi gente. Hi! My name is Wolfang "Wolf" Rojas, I am from Colombia (not from Germany as many people think, haha ) Nowadays I am living in Brazil. Thanks to all the more than 300 students I have had since 2016. Before talking about me, please check the following policies: ⚠️IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ➡️Due to the high demand for lessons, I suggest scheduling your lesson in advance for the next, two, three, or more weeks. If you used to schedule the lesson each week probably you will not find availability on my calendar. ➡️Due to back-to-back lessons, the lesson may start late, for a maximum of 5 minutes, so I appreciate your understanding. ➡️If you are absent for more than 21 minutes, the lesson will end and will be marked as Completed. No refunds will be given. However, if you experience connection issues or even a personal emergency, you can contact me via chat up to 1 minute before the lesson starts to reschedule the lesson. ➡️ It is highly recommended to use a laptop for bala...
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