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How to say wishes like Merry Christmas, Happy New year...in Vietnamese language?

7 anos atrás
Dear greatest language learners,

This is a special time, for Christmas time, New Year time.... So how do you say the best words which make yourself and your friends feel happy and feel more exciting? I have made a complete but very short, fit video about this. Please enjoy the video and say the best words to your friends in Vietnamese language for the Holiday time.

Best wishes for your new year and time!!!
Nguyen The Vu
Comentários (1)
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Cam on rat nhieu ban Vu !!! Thank you so much for all your time and efforts in teaching vietnamese to the world !!
7 anos atrás
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Cảm ơn Tom rất nhiều!!! I wish to have a chance to learn with you very soon!!! Chúc mừng năm mới, Tom!!!
7 anos atrás