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Professores de Português encontrados: 28

Melhores correspondências com base nos seus filtros
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Marcella L.
for_beginnerIdeal para Iniciantes
chatÓtima conversação
Avaliação gratuita
$ 30 por hora
após teste
4.9 (Avaliações: 235)
+3 outra(s)
Aulas: 532Alunos: 83
What's up guys!!! My name is Marcella, I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, in our dear and famous: Cidade Maravilhosa. ((Wonderful City) So, I speak what many call Brazilian Portuguese, with a special touch: the Carioca accent. The Carioca accent was voted as the most beautiful accent so I look forward to teaching it to you. I'm a genuinely curious person and that's part of what brought me here. Teaching is not just sharing a large part of your knowledge, but also learning a lot from others. I'm here to help you speak my first language in the fastest, most comfortable and natural way. Each person has their own pace and I will ensure that we are on the same page following the same steps. I currently live in Spain but I don't stay home for long stretches. I'm always exploring new countries and in that, bringing different looks and perspectives to our class. And in addition to collecting experiences and teaching Portuguese for more than 5 years, I am also a language practiti...
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Elio L.
for_experiencedIdeal para Avançados
handshakeVisões culturais
versionsExcelentes materiais
Avaliação gratuita
$ 25 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 31)
Português (brasileiro) 
+1 outra(s)
Aulas: 112Alunos: 11
Hello guys! My name is Elio. I have been a teacher since 2012. I have already taught English and Portuguese classes for beginners, middle level and technical level. I use short texts, music and videos in my teaching classes. I help students understand the linguistic and grammatical aspects involved in speaking and writing Portuguese and English. I can help you develop fluency in Portuguese, because this is my mother tongue. See you in the first class. Bye! Olá pessoal! Meu nome é Elio. Sou professor desde 2012. Já ministrei aulas de Ingês e Português para alunos iniciantes, nível médio e nível técnico. Costumo usar textos, músicas e vídeos curtos em minhas aulas para o ensino. Ajudo os alunos a compreender os apectos linguísticos e gramaticais envolvidos na fala e escrita do português e inglês. Posso te ajudar a desenvolver fluência no Português, pois esta é minha língua materna. Vejo vocês na primeira aula. Até lá!
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Patricia P.
for_beginnerIdeal para Iniciantes
electronicsExperiente em tecnologia
versionsExcelentes materiais
Avaliação gratuita
$ 35 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 468)
+1 outra(s)
Aulas: 940Alunos: 112
Dear student, hi! My name is Patricia, I am a Portuguese native speaker. I am a certified trainer and coach with more than three years of experience teaching Portuguese online for foreigners and I have several years of experience as a certificated trainer. I have graduated in Management and I have a Master Degree in Human Resources. I also have work experience in Human Resources, recruitment, training, sales and international business. I have experience in multicultural environments and it helps me as a teacher. I am a sensitive, open mind, respectful and patient person. I love to teach and I am passionate about cultures, different backgrounds, languages and traditions. I will adapt my lessons to your learning style and your goals. I can teach you everything you need to know, from the basics to the advanced level. Learning doesn't need to be boring. My lessons are full of energy and fun. It doesn't matter if you want to focus on speaking, grammar, vocabulary or writing we ...
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João B.
for_beginnerIdeal para Iniciantes
Ensina além do necessário
versionsExcelentes materiais
Avaliação gratuita
$ 23 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 240)
+4 outra(s)
Aulas: 492Alunos: 93
Five years ago i began to teach portuguese language to foreign students and professionals living in Portugal. Since then i have been improving lessons according to european levels A1 to C2 and portuguese school curriculum, preparing students for exams, helping persons to be integrated in portuguese society and teaching tourists, emmigrants and descendants of portuguese people all around the world. I use dialogic methods in language teaching and structured courses for begginers or advanced learners, adapted to all kinds of persons, children, adults and special needs students .
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Alessandra C.
versionsExcelentes materiais
for_beginnerIdeal para Iniciantes
handshakeVisões culturais
Avaliação gratuita
$ 22,99 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 478)
+3 outra(s)
Aulas: 1.284Alunos: 138
🇧🇷 ➝ 🇵🇹 BRAZILIAN LIVING IN LISBON-PORTUGAL 🥳🥳 🥳 🥳 ⚠️ I'm on a tight schedule and my current schedule is almost full! ⬇ 🛑 ⬇ Please check my availability from July 10 onwards. I'm Alessandra, a professional teacher and native Portuguese speaker from Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, currently living in Lisbon - Portugal. - 🎓 +10 years of teaching experience - 📕 Exclusive and engaging materials I studied Engineering and worked as an engineer for three years. Then I decided to be an entrepreneur/teacherpreneur! I started a language consulting firm with a focus on teaching Portuguese, English and Spanish at companies. I've also worked in a Portuguese school for foreigners as a Portuguese teacher and tour guide. I'm a certified teacher and I have plenty of experience teaching, both online and in-person for more than 10 years. Recently, I finished a Bachelor's degree in Marketing and started a Master's in Portuguese and Linguistic. I'm a full-time teacher and I have been teaching since 2013...
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Aline P.
for_experiencedIdeal para Avançados
Ideal para Intermediários
Avaliação gratuita
$ 22 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 220)
+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 591Alunos: 74
Professora com 10 anos de experiência, formada em Letras (Português e Espanhol) em São Paulo. Minhas aulas têm um enfoque comunicativo para hispanohablantes, com material didático, músicas e vídeos para imersão no idioma e na cultura do Brasil. Além de reforçar estruturas gramaticais importantes para o desenvolvimento comunicativo. Também preparo alunos para o exame oficial Celpe Bras.
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Lucinardo S.
versionsExcelentes materiais
chatÓtima conversação
Avaliação gratuita
$ 18 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 397)
+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 1.060Alunos: 80
Hi! My name"s Lucinardo. I'm a native Portuguese teacher from Fortaleza, Brazil. I'm fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. I am graduated in Humanities, Portuguese/English in Brazil and Medicine in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have a large experience in teaching languages. I love to teach. I work online for 11 years. I am here to facilitate your learning and guide you in the best way to be fluent in the Portuguese language. We can have conversation classes, using the communicative approach which we can talk about a lot of subjects. We can work together using basic grammar exercises, videos and music. I give you a nice material for homework and I can answer all your doubts about it. I can prepare you for proficiency exam (CELP-BRAS), Portuguese for business, Medical Portuguese or Portuguese for traveling! I"m here to help you according to your goals: beginner, intermediate or advanced ones. If you want to start or just improve your Portuguese! I have the righ...
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Fernanda R.
for_experiencedIdeal para Avançados
Ideal para Intermediários
for_beginnerIdeal para Iniciantes
Avaliação gratuita
$ 28 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 2381)
+3 outra(s)
Aulas: 4.038Alunos: 214
Olá! Dou aulas particulares de português há mais de 10 anos e simplesmente AMO o que faço, por isso sou bastante dedicada e atenciosa com cada um de meus estudantes. Confira os comentários ;) Tenho muita paciência e faço acompanhamento individualizado e personalizado da evolução de cada aluno meu. Acredito que o papel de um professor particular é extrair o melhor seu aluno, dando-lhe as ferramentas que ele necessita para atingir seus objetivos. É nesse sentido que te convido a fazer uma aula experimental comigo! Venha me conhecer e conferir minha metodologia. Tenho algo próprio, dinâmico e customizável às suas necessidades Conversação, Pronunciação, Escrita, Vocabulário para Viagem, Portuguese for Business (do Básico ao Avançado). Não importa seu nível de conhecimento ou necessidades, conte comigo para te ajudar nesse desafio! Tenho certeza de que juntos chegaremos lá =D Também tenho MBA em Management e sou especialista em mercado financeiro, ou seja, domino esta linguagem ...
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Rafael L.
electronicsExperiente em tecnologia
handshakeVisões culturais
Ideal para Intermediários
Avaliação gratuita
$ 25 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 145)
Aulas: 392Alunos: 17
Dear Students, My podcast: Brasileiríssimo Olá! My name is Rafael, and I have been working as a Portuguese second language instructor for eleven years. I consider myself easy to work with, organized, and always ready to support my students. Fortunately, I have vast pedagogical experience with all levels of proficiency in Portuguese, as well as experience preparing students for the Portuguese proficiency exam, Celpe-Bras. All this experience has helped me grow as a teacher and as a person. I really hope to contribute to your language improvement in the best way possible so that you can continue this amazing journey which is learning my native language. During these years I have improved my skills by teaching many international students including children, teenagers, and adults from different age groups. I use various techniques in my classes based one the student as students have different backgrounds and needs. I have experience teaching international banking professionals, Americ...
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electronicsExperiente em tecnologia
for_experiencedIdeal para Avançados
Ensina além do necessário
Avaliação gratuita
$ 25 por hora
após teste
5.0 (Avaliações: 504)
+1 outra(s)
Aulas: 1.260Alunos: 130
Soy una profesora atenta y totalmente enfocada en el alumno, soy paciente y buena oyente. Tengo 6 años de experiencia enseñando portugués y español en escuelas públicas e institutos del estado de São Paulo - Brasil. Desde hace 6 años, trabajo con clases online de portugués para extranjeros en distintas plataformas online. También tuve la oportunidad de trabajar en institutos privados ubicados en la ciudad de Córdoba - Argentina, donde viví durante tres años. Para mí, aprender un idioma es entenderse y re-descubrirse constantemente, es compartir con el mundo y derribar todo tipo de fronteras y estoy aquí para derribar la frontera del portugués contigo! :) Desde nivel inicial a avanzado, planteo las lecciones de manera a que estas se adecuen a las necesidades y objetivos de los alumnos (así como en las debilidades que he detectado), trabajando sobre la comprensión y expresión oral y escrita, gramática, preparación para el exámen Celpe-Bras y conversación sobre temas diversos. Las clas...
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