Martina Novakova

8:35 PM (GMT+02:00)Bulgarian
About Me
(Spanish below)
Hello! My name is Martina Novakova, and I am a Bulgarian and Spanish teacher, translator, and playwright. Currently, I am teaching Spanish to undergraduate students at New York University. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Studies and Pedagogy from Sofia University and the University of Valencia. I am also a Fulbright grantee and have recently completed my Master's degree in Educational Theater at New York University Steinhardt. Additionally, I have a Master's degree in Theatre Creation from Carlos III University in Madrid.
With over 10 years of teaching experience, I have taught various language combinations, including Bulgarian, Spanish, and English. I have worked with individuals, public schools, private companies, and universities. I thoroughly enjoy working between cultures and find great fascination in comparing languages. I take immense pride in my students and strive to motivate them to the best of my abilities. I create personalized study plans that cater to their specific needs and interests.
Having an in-depth knowledge of three languages from different language families allows me to thoroughly compare them in all aspects and offer an associative, comparative, and logical approach to learning. As an artist, I occasionally adapt theater and musical techniques for teaching purposes. I incorporate a wide range of real-life materials, such as articles, songs, and television content, to make the learning process more natural and avoid relying solely on "artificial" textbook content. I always tailor my teaching methods to accommodate the needs, interests, goals, and learning styles of my students.
My classes are suitable for all levels, ages, and objectives.
It will be a great pleasure for me to meet you and be your teacher. Please, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Martina Novakova y soy profesora de búlgaro y español, traductora y dramaturga. Actualmente, enseño español a estudiantes universitarios en la Universidad de Nueva York. Tengo una licenciatura en Filología Hispánica de la Universidad de Sofía y la Universidad de Valencia. También soy becaria de Fulbright y recientemente he completado mi maestría en Teatro Educativo en la Universidad de Nueva York, Steinhardt. Además, tengo una maestría en Creación Teatral de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza, he enseñado diversas combinaciones de idiomas, incluyendo búlgaro, español e inglés. He trabajado con alumnos privados, en escuelas públicas, empresas y universidades. Disfruto enormemente trabajar entre culturas y me fascina comparar idiomas. Me siendo muy orgullosa de mis estudiantes y me esfuerzo por motivarlos al máximo. Creo planes de estudio personalizados que se adaptan a sus necesidades e intereses específicos.
Mi profundo conocimiento de tres idiomas de diferentes familias lingüísticas me permite compararlos minuciosamente en todos sus aspectos y ofrecer un enfoque asociativo, comparativo y lógico para el aprendizaje. Como artista, a veces adapto técnicas teatrales y musicales con fines educativos. Incorporo una amplia gama de materiales de la vida real, como artículos, canciones y contenido televisivo, para que el proceso de aprendizaje sea más natural y evitar depender exclusivamente de contenidos "artificiales" de libros de texto. Siempre adapto mis métodos de enseñanza para satisfacer las necesidades, intereses, metas y estilos de aprendizaje de mis estudiantes.
Mis clases son adecuadas para todos los niveles, edades y objetivos.
Será un gran placer conocerlos y ser su profesora. ¡No duden en contactarme si tienen alguna pregunta!
Read MoreHello! My name is Martina Novakova, and I am a Bulgarian and Spanish teacher, translator, and playwright. Currently, I am teaching Spanish to undergraduate students at New York University. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Spanish Studies and Pedagogy from Sofia University and the University of Valencia. I am also a Fulbright grantee and have recently completed my Master's degree in Educational Theater at New York University Steinhardt. Additionally, I have a Master's degree in Theatre Creation from Carlos III University in Madrid.
With over 10 years of teaching experience, I have taught various language combinations, including Bulgarian, Spanish, and English. I have worked with individuals, public schools, private companies, and universities. I thoroughly enjoy working between cultures and find great fascination in comparing languages. I take immense pride in my students and strive to motivate them to the best of my abilities. I create personalized study plans that cater to their specific needs and interests.
Having an in-depth knowledge of three languages from different language families allows me to thoroughly compare them in all aspects and offer an associative, comparative, and logical approach to learning. As an artist, I occasionally adapt theater and musical techniques for teaching purposes. I incorporate a wide range of real-life materials, such as articles, songs, and television content, to make the learning process more natural and avoid relying solely on "artificial" textbook content. I always tailor my teaching methods to accommodate the needs, interests, goals, and learning styles of my students.
My classes are suitable for all levels, ages, and objectives.
It will be a great pleasure for me to meet you and be your teacher. Please, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have!
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Martina Novakova y soy profesora de búlgaro y español, traductora y dramaturga. Actualmente, enseño español a estudiantes universitarios en la Universidad de Nueva York. Tengo una licenciatura en Filología Hispánica de la Universidad de Sofía y la Universidad de Valencia. También soy becaria de Fulbright y recientemente he completado mi maestría en Teatro Educativo en la Universidad de Nueva York, Steinhardt. Además, tengo una maestría en Creación Teatral de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Con más de 10 años de experiencia en la enseñanza, he enseñado diversas combinaciones de idiomas, incluyendo búlgaro, español e inglés. He trabajado con alumnos privados, en escuelas públicas, empresas y universidades. Disfruto enormemente trabajar entre culturas y me fascina comparar idiomas. Me siendo muy orgullosa de mis estudiantes y me esfuerzo por motivarlos al máximo. Creo planes de estudio personalizados que se adaptan a sus necesidades e intereses específicos.
Mi profundo conocimiento de tres idiomas de diferentes familias lingüísticas me permite compararlos minuciosamente en todos sus aspectos y ofrecer un enfoque asociativo, comparativo y lógico para el aprendizaje. Como artista, a veces adapto técnicas teatrales y musicales con fines educativos. Incorporo una amplia gama de materiales de la vida real, como artículos, canciones y contenido televisivo, para que el proceso de aprendizaje sea más natural y evitar depender exclusivamente de contenidos "artificiales" de libros de texto. Siempre adapto mis métodos de enseñanza para satisfacer las necesidades, intereses, metas y estilos de aprendizaje de mis estudiantes.
Mis clases son adecuadas para todos los niveles, edades y objetivos.
Será un gran placer conocerlos y ser su profesora. ¡No duden en contactarme si tienen alguna pregunta!
Trial Lesson
One time, 30 minutesPrivate Lessons
60 minutesTeacher Stats
March 28, 2025 - April 4, 2025
All times listed are in your local timezone
6:00 AM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
6:00 PM
Teaching Expertise
Upper Beginner
Upper Intermediate
Upper Advanced
2017 - 2018
Theatre Creation
Carlos III de Madrid University - Madrid, Spain
Master's Degree in Theatre
2012 - 2016
Spanish Philology
Sofia Univesity, Univeristy of Valencia - Sofia, Bulgaria/ Valencia, Spain
Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Philology with a Specialization in Pedagogy
Motivation Guru
Excellent Materials
Great Conversation
Writing Coach
Great for Beginners
Great for Intermediate
Great for Advanced
Accent Reduction
Tech Savvy
Goes the Extra Mile
Grammar Expert
Great for medical professionals
Cultural Insights
5.0 Average
27 ratings, 13 students

September 11, 2019 • Lessons: 66
Martina is a highly educated and interesting instructor with a wide variety of learning and teaching experience which she puts to use in creating lesson contents that are entertaining and unique to her student.
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January 13, 2021 • Lessons: 66
Martina is an excellent teacher. The fact that she loves the Bulgarian language and culture is apparent in every lesson. Not only have I learned a lot about grammar and vocabulary with her but I have also been introduced to interesting newspapers, books, authors, plays, and other culturally fascinating aspects of modern-day Bulgaria.
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