A few quick IELTS speaking tips:

I value your time so I'll keep it short. You might have come across millions of tips and tricks on the net. I am just jotting down a few that are usually not found in the plagiarized internet contents. :)

1. Create complete answers carefully instead of casually throwing in a few details and trying to get rid of the questions in a hurry. It doesn't mean you need to make long answers; just complete and well-thought-out answers. Include more details and less fillers. Do not end the answer abruptly. It sounds incomplete. :)

2. Try using advanced words and phrases and idioms etc. only if you really know how to use them. Making a mistake while trying to do so will get you less marks than a simple but correct sentence. :)

3. Please, please take care of the prepositions and the articles (determiners). Too many people make silly mistakes by forgetting to use prepositions and articles altogether or using them wrong. :)

4. Intonation: It is very very important to use a lively intonation but most candidates speak like automatons sending the listeners and examiners to sleep. It's not really difficult to make your voice go up and down while speaking :) People love to listen to you when you have a nice intonation. :)

5. Accent: If you can copy any accent almost perfectly then do so and if not then please use a neutral accent. Clarity of speech is more important than sounding like a native. The examiners will not be impressed by any accent. They want correct English with the use of a diverse collection of vocabulary and sentence structures relevant to the context. IELTS is not a popularity contest or a fashion show (etc.), so no special and stylish accent is required. :)

6. Understand the questions well before answering: "Eg: Why do people in your country organize family parties? / Why do people in your country organize parties?" - the two questions are not the same and the answers won't be the same either. Please be very attentive and it is okay to politely ask the examiner to repeat (once or twice - too many times would mean your listening skills are terrible). :)

7. And! Please relax :) The examiner will not eat you, so relax and smile and speak and the quality of your speech will improve dramatically :)

Cheers! and regards from Neil :)

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