HSK 5 Vocabulary / 时刻 [shíkè]

The meaning of 时刻
1. As a noun, it means "moment",表示具体的,比较短的时间点或者时间段。
2. As an adverb, it means "constantly" or "at all times". It can also mean "in a moment" or "momentarily".

The examples of 时刻 structure

1. As a noun

时刻 can function as the headword in an Attributive-Headword phrase, and the attributive in the phrase can be either a pronoun, a numeral-measure word, an adjective/adjective phrase, verb phrase, or other type of words or phrases.

· 哪个时刻 [nǎɡè shíkè] – which moment
· 任何时刻 [rènhé shíkè] – any moment
· 每一个时刻 [měi yīɡè shíkè] – every moment
· 关键(的)时刻 [ɡuānjiàn (de) shíkè] – critical moment
· 重要(的)时刻 [zhònɡyào (de) shíkè] – important moment
· 最开心的时刻 [zuì kāixīn de shíkè] – happiest moment
· 最难过的时刻 [zuì nánɡuò de shíkè] – saddest moment
· 最难忘的时刻 [zuì nánwànɡ de shíkè] – most unforgettable moment
· 令人紧张的时刻 [lìnɡrén jǐnzhānɡ de shíkè] – giving rise to a tense moment
· 考验+友谊/真爱/技术/智商+的时刻 [kǎoyàn + yǒuyì / zhēn'ài / jìshù / zhìshānɡ de shíkè]

1) 哪个时刻是最令你难忘的?
Nǎgè shíkè shì zuì lìng nǐ nánwàng de?
What was the most memorable /unforgettable moment for you?

2) 我珍惜和你在一起的每一个时刻
wŏ zhēnxī hé nĭ zài yīqĭ de mĕi yīgè shíkè.
I cherish each moment I spend with you.

3) 出世、结婚和死亡是人生中三大重要时刻。
Chūshì, jiéhūn hé sĭwáng shì rénshēng zhōng sān dà zhòngyào shíkè.
Birth, marriage and death are the three important moments in a person's life.

4) 目前,中美关系正处在关键时刻
Mùqián, zhōnɡ měi ɡuānxi zhènɡ chǔ zài ɡuānjiàn shíkè.
Currently, China-US relations are at a critical juncture.

5) 谢谢你们陪我度过了最开心和最难过的时刻
Xièxiè nǐmen péi wǒ dùɡuò le zuì kāixīn hé zuì nánɡuò de shíkè.
Thank you for having accompanied me throughout the happiest and hardest moments ( of my life).

6) 考验友谊的时刻来了,我们到底是不是好朋友?
Kǎoyàn yǒuyì de shíkè lái le, wǒmen dàodǐ shìbúshì hǎo pénɡyou?
The time has come to test our friendship, are we still friends?

2. As an adverb

时刻 can function as the adverbial in the Adverbial-Headword phrase, and generally speaking, the Headword in the phrase is a verb phrase: "时刻+verb phrase".

1) 她时刻都会陪伴着你
Tā shíkè dōu huì péibàn zhe nǐ.
She will be with you in a moment.

2) 司机在驾驶时必须时刻保持警惕
Sījī zài jiàshǐ shí bìxū shíkè bǎochí jǐnɡtì.
A driver must be alert at all times while driving.

3) 我总是时刻提醒自己,要努力读书,争取考个好大学。
Wǒ zǒnɡshì shíkè tíxǐnɡ zìjǐ, yào nǔlì dúshū, zhēnɡqǔ kǎo ɡè hǎo dàxué.
I always remind myself that I should study hard to get into a good university.

4) 父母时刻关注着孩子的成长
Fùmǔ shíkè ɡuānzhù zhe háizi de chénɡzhǎnɡ.
Parents are always concerned about the growth of their children.

5) 机会总是留给那些时刻准备着的人的。
Jīhuì zǒnɡshì liú ɡěi nàxiē shíkè zhǔnbèi zhe de rén de.
Opportunities are always for those who are ready.

3. 时刻表

时刻 can also be used in the word "时刻表" which means "timetable or schedule". However, it refers only to schedules relating to transportation such as a train schedule, flight schedule, subway schedule etc. It usually sets out departure times, arrivals times and may also include any scheduled stops or wait times.

This is the schedule for Guangzhou – Beijing flights. From the schedule below, you can find the departure and arrival times for all Guangzhou– Beijing flights.

This is the Guangzhou to Beijing train schedule. From the train schedule below, you can find out important details regarding the scheduled Guangzhou to Beijing train ride. The train leaves the departure station of Guangzhou South at 11:13 and arrives at the final destination station of Beijing West at 20:53, the total travel time is 9 hours and 40 minutes (see the time highlighted in yellow below). In addition, the schedule below also tells us when and where the train stops along the route. For example, the train arrives in Shaoguan at 12:04 and departs from there at 12:06, for a total stop time of 2 minutes (see the time highlighted in blue below).

Nǐ kéyǐ zài zhè yī zhānɡ shíkèbiǎo shànɡ chá dào huǒchē jǐ diǎn dàodá Běijīnɡxīzhàn.
You can find out what time the train arrives at Beijing west railway station in this timetable.
2) 时刻表上写着火车11点13分发车。
Shíkèbiǎo shànɡ xiě zhe huǒchē shíyī diǎn shísān fēn fāchē.
The schedule says the train leaves at 11:13.
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Joanna Lee

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✅✅Why Joanna is so different: ✊100% commitment to your progress -- focus on your pronunciation, grammar, word usage, conversation and writing skills. ✊Helped 100 students pass HSK exams. ✊Patient, organized, skilled, efficient, relaxed, prepared. ✊Native Chinese speaker(Speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka). ✊a certified Chinese teacher -- "Chinese High School Mandarin Teacher Certification" & "Mandarin Level certification" . ✊Bachelor’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. ✊Teaching SIMPLIFIED CHINESE - the most popular - using the Pinyin system (the Alphabet). ✊5 years of teaching experience with more than 5000 teaching hours. ✊10 years of working experience in HR and marketing. 🌺🌺Course Advantages: *I will be providing great and continuous guidance, including how to self-study and learn with me, and how to develop good habits. *I have special approaches for your language problems that will make it easier for you to speak Chinese fluently. *Every student has got a...
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