Thai polite and formal particles

Khráp and Khâ are a final particles in Thai, which are said at the end of almost every sentence in order to be polite and formal.

  • khráp (for men)

  • khâ (for women)

If you want to say "mâi bpen rai" (never mind / you're welcome).
You should say "mâi bpen rai Khráp/krâ"
to show politeness


When should you use Khráp/Khâ?

  1. Thais use Khráp / Khâ when talking with someone who they respect.

  • Monks

  • Parents

  • Relatives

  • Teacher

  1. Thais use Khráp / Khâ when talking with someone who is higher in social class or older than them, such as

  • Elder brothers / sisters

  • A boss

  • The minister

  • etc.

  1. Thais use Khráp / Khâ when they want to be polite. Everyone loves politeness, so a service person always says Khráp / khâ and it is good if you do so.

*However, politeness can make people feel like it is not close and this is a reason why we shouldn't use Khráb / Khâ with friends.

*The alternate form among close friends might be ‘jâ’.
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