Espanol Refranes / Idioms

En España existen una especie de “frases hechas” llamadas REFRANES. Son frases populares que enseñan o aconsejan algo. Muchas veces se utilizan en conversaciones informales. A continuación tenéis 10 refranes para usar en vuestras conversaciones:
  • A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda. Quiere decir que si te levantas pronto tienes más posibilidades de que las cosas te salgan bien.
  • En abril, aguas mil. Abril es un mes muy lluvioso en España.
  • Hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo. Quiere decir que has bien entrado junio no guardes el abrigo, porque en mayo hace calor pero a suele volver el frío unos días.
  • A caballo regalado no le mires el diente. Si te dan un regalo, no le busques los defectos.
  • A la cama no te irás sin saber una cosa más. Significa que cada día aprendes algo nuevo.
  • Ande yo caliente, ríase la gente. Quiere decir que si tú estas bien haciendo algo, los demás que piensen lo que quieran.
  • Cuando el río suena, agua lleva. Si sospechas que pasa algo, seguramente estará pasando.
  • El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta. Si quieres conseguir algo tienes que hacer un esfuerzo.
  • Es de bien nacidos ser agradecidos. Significa que debes dar las gracias.
  • Nunca digas de esta agua no beberé. Quiere decir que nunca pienses que no harías algo, porque seguramente acabarás haciéndolo.


In Spain there are a kind of "made phrases" called REFRANES (idioms or sayings). They are popular phrases that teach or advise something. They are often used in informal conversations. Here you are 10 sayings to use in your spanish conversations:
  • A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda (whoever gets up early, God helps). It means that if you get up soon you have more chances that things will work out for you.
  • En abril aguas mil (in April it rains a lot). April is a very rainy month in Spain.
  • Hasta el 40 de mayo no te quites el sayo (until May 40 do not take off your skirt). It means that you have entered well in June do not keep your coat, because in May it is hot but the cold usually returns a few days.
  • A caballo regalado no le mires el diente (give a gift horse do not look at the tooth). If you are given a gift, do not look for the defects.
  • A la cama no te irás sin saber una cosa más (you will not go to bed without knowing one more thing). It means that every day you learn something new.
  • Ande yo caliente, ríase la gente (I was hot, people laughed). It means that if you are doing well, others who think what they want.
  • Cuando el río suena, agua lleva (if the river makes a noise its because water is running). If you suspect something is happening, it will probably be happening.
  • El que algo quiere, algo le cuesta (if you want something, it's going to cost you). If you want to get something you have to make an effort.
  • Es de bien nacido ser agradecidos (it is well born to be grateful). It means that you have to thank.
  • Nunca digas de esta agua no beberé (never say about this water I will not drink). It means that you never think that you would not do something, because you will surely end up doing it.

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Alicia Garcia

Hi! My name is Alicia. I have a Bachelor's degree as English teacher for primary, and I have so much experience teaching languages, mostly Spanish. I enjoy teaching, do not might your age or your level, I am sure that you can improve your Spanish with me. I dislike the boring exercises about grama, I prefer talking with you and solve your questions in the moment. But, if you prefer exercises, I can do it. I have a lot of resources to do in my classes. My experience as a teacher tell me that a teacher has to be really involve with their students' interests and personalities in order to encourage them and find the way to do their best. Students work better with a person who worry about and really empathizes with who you really are. I have several resources on Internet that I have created for helping my students. They are really useful and can help you with your Spanish while you are not doing classes online. But I also have an interesting Facebook if you really enjoy social networks. ...
Hi! My name is Alicia. I have a Bachelor's degree as English teacher for primary, and I have so much experience teaching languages, mostly Spanish. I enjoy teaching, do not might your age or your level, I am sure that you can improve your Spanish with me. I dislike the boring exercises about grama, I prefer talking with you and solve your questions in the moment. But, if you prefer exercises, I can do it. I have a lot of resources to do in my classes. My experience as a teacher tell me that a teacher has to be really involve with their students' interests and personalities in order to encourage them and find the way to do their best. Students work better with a person who worry about and really empathizes with who you really are. I have several resources on Internet that I have created for helping my students. They are really useful and can help you with your Spanish while you are not doing classes online. But I also have an interesting Facebook if you really enjoy social networks. ...
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