1分Alessandra Pavanello 5年前الايطاليةAvere la coda di pagliaChi ha la coda di paglia sa di aver combinato qualcosa, non ha la coscienza tranquilla e, di conseguenza,...
3分Flavia Ayelén Sartor7年前الإسبانيةInvitación a explorar el mundo como niñosLos niños sin dudas tienen un talento especial que atrapa y maravilla a los adultos. Cuando observas...
3分Jessy 5年前الانجليزيةLanguage Learning with Auditory Processing DisorderWhat is Auditory Processing Disorder? Essentially, APD means that your physical hearing is fine,...
2分Lorraine Venables7年前الانجليزيةCommonly Confused English Words - Part 1The English language contains many words which can cause confusion for learners. It's common for a word...
2分Sebastian 7年前الإسبانيةLas 4 directoras que están haciendo historia en HollywoodA pesar de la creciente conciencia sobre los problemas de las mujeres en Hollywood y las películas de...
1分Joanna Haenlein5年前الفرنسيةFunny French expressions! In French as in many other languages, we have several funny expressions that are full of imagery!...
1分Liya 7年前الانجليزيةDon't be afraid to speak! The worst thing to do when learning a language is to be hesitant to speak. I've had students who whisper,...
1分Arthur 7年前الفرنسيةFrench Gender -> How to guess whether a noun is feminine or masculine ?Bonjour à toutes et à tous ! A very common nightmare for French students is the gender ! Why "une chaise"...
2分Martyn Fairlamb7年前الانجليزيةIELTS Study<h1>IELTS Preparation – What really helps? </h1> The IELTS exam is a thorough test of how well you use...
数秒Mikiko Koike6年前اللغة اليابانية旅(たび)する日本語(にほんご)その2:電車(でんしゃ)Travel Japan今日の旅する日本語(きょう の たびする にほんご) Today's travel Japanese: 【この 電車(でんしゃ)は、急行(きゅうこう)ですか? 各駅停車(かくえきていしゃ)ですか?】...
1分Caroline Mosser7年前الانجليزية3 questions to master the Passe ComposeThis form of the past is often difficult for students because of the use of two different auxiliary verbs...
2分Lian Hong8年前الانجليزية5 tips to boost your English through Films and Television! For Intermediate to Advanced Learners.Film and T.V. series provide a source for 'real-life' situations outside your lesson. It's great for...