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Flavia Ayelén Sartor

map_pinاللغة الأرجنتينية
١١:١٨ م (GMT-٠٣:٠٠)


متحدث أصلي
اللغة البرتغالية


You can learn more about me: @psi.flaviasartor

Hi everyone! I’m Flavia Ayelén from Santa Fe, Argentina. I graduated from the University of Rosario with a master’s degree in applied psychology but transitioned to working full time as a professional Spanish teacher.

After I graduated from college, I began to travel around the world, taking all sorts of different jobs and embedding myself, as best I could, as a “local” in many distinct cultures. To help pay the bills, I also began teaching Argentina’s own, special version of Spanish – it has a very particular, unique accent that people seemed to love – imagine what an Italian person might sound like if they were to speak Spanish!
In my years of teaching, I’ve developed a serious passion for my newfound profession. It’s not just about grammar or conversation or pronunciation – all all those things are important – but also the lively exchange of different cultures, customs and traditions. In every class I find myself learning as much I am teaching!

For all of you struggling to learn – or even master – a new language, I am right there with you. In fact, I’m sure I’ve been through many of the same experiences! When I started this journey, I could barely speak a word of English despite years of classroom English where we would just drill grammar. In the real world, whether it was Australia, the United States, England, or New Zealand, I was scared to even say hello, and would freeze if someone on the street asked me even the most basic question. I could barely muster the courage to order a coffee in English! But I pushed through the fears and persevered until I reached fluency.

I teach Spanish using the same methods and practices I developed to achieve fluency in English. I won’t lie to you. The path to mastering a foreign language is not easy! but with a little bit of grit, dedication, passion and fun mixed in, we can get there together!
قراءة المزيد

Teacher Stats

watchWithin a day
timetableمنذ ٧ أعوام
class_blackboard8.4 lesson average

جدول مواعيد

خبرات التدريس

فوق المتوسط
فوق المتقدم
Castilian Spanish
Latin American Spanish
Rioplatense Spanish

السيرة الذاتية


2017 - 2017
Redacción de Contenidos Web
Virtualianet. La academia de las nuevas profesiones. - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Especialización en redacción de artículos en español para sitios web y social media
2007 - 2014
Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Rosario, Argentina.
Especialización en Psicología y Psicopatología del Lenguaje

briefcaseخبرة العمل

2016 - 2017
Freelance Spanish Writer and english-spanish translator
Argentinian journals and my own blog - Argentina
Especialización en temas relacionados a viajes y psicología
2017 - 2017
Profesora de Español
Clases particulares de español a estudiantes italianos - Roma, Italia
Dicté clases de español a estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado
2015 - 2015
Profesora de Español
Fundaçao Getulio Vargas (FGV) - São Paulo, Brasil
Dicté clases de español a estudiantes de nivel intermedio y avanzado
2014 - 2014
Escritora colaboradora para el libro: "Lenguaje: una perspectiva interdisciplinaria. Escritos II"
Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Argentina
Libro especializado en temas relacionados a la Psicología y Psicopatología del Lenguaje
2014 - 2014
Profesora de Español
University of Melbourne - Melbourne, Australia
Dicté clases de español a estudiantes de nivel principiante
2014 - 0
Virtualianet. La academia de las nuevas profesiones de internet. - Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Escribo varios articulos para sitios de internet y he colaborado en el libro: Lenguaje, una perspectiva interdisciplinaria. Escritos II.


2015 - 2015
Spanish Tutor
Fundação Getulio Vargas - São Paulo, Brasil
Focus in Latin america culture
2014 - 2014
Second Language Acquisition Program
AIESEC - Australia
Certificación de haber dictado aulas de español