2 minutesSama Alkhaliliil y a 5 ansAnglais8 Expressions That'll Make You Sound More Natural in American EnglishIn this article, I’m going to teach you these 8 common words and expressions: Be about to Hideous Bent...
une minuteJen Mc Monagleil y a 5 ansAnglaisSaint Patrick's Day 2020 - The New Normal Saint Patrick's day is a highlight of the Irish calender. For as long as I can remember people have...
2 minutesElizabeth Ferryil y a 5 ansAnglaisThe best way to say you can't leave home?I'm an American who's been living in Spain the last nine years. I'm now a permanent resident with no...
3 minutesPadraic Cummaneil y a 6 ansAnglaisInterview Preparation Part 2: The Future A thorough, detailed self-assessment allows you to gain a clear understanding of your own skills, experience,...
une minuteElena Gonzálezil y a 7 ansEspagnol5 buenas series para practicar tu español<p>Las series de televisión son una buena forma de mejorar tu nivel de lengua y de aprender más sobre...
une minuteAlexandra il y a 6 ansAnglaisNew Year Celebration Russian style Guys, have you heard about Ну, погоди! cartoon? It is considered to be Russian classics since 1974!...
quelques secondesangela iturrizail y a 6 ansFrançaisDes vidéos sympas pour des élèves B2-C1 Bonjour à tous!! Je m'appelle Angela, prof de français (FLE) , espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE)...
une minuteSam Hutchisonil y a 6 ansAnglaisSome everyday conversational British English Hi Verblingers! This is just a quick guide that is focused on everyday English that native speakers...
une minuteWilane Canutoil y a 6 ansPortugaisRecife é o Vale do Silício brasileiroOlá, pessoal! Hoje trago um artigo sobre tecnologia no Brasil. Estou falando da cidade brasileira que...
quelques secondesAaron Huhil y a 6 ansCoréenBasic Korean Sentence Structure l Basic Korean LessonToday we will be learning how to make Korean sentence! The basic Korean sentence structure!! o A/V...
une minuteAxel Leónil y a 7 ansEspagnolEl uso del verbo "echar""EL VERBO ECHAR" El principal significado del verbo "echar" es "to throw" (en inglés), sin embargo,...
quelques secondesPaulette Garistoil y a 6 ansEspagnolViaja y aprende un idiomaNos ideamos de que viajar no te da tiempo para aprender algo nuevo. Pero realmente la capacidad de aprender...