In part three of the speaking sub-test, it is the most demanding part of the test and although it is described as a two-way discussion, you will be expected to do most of the talking. The question or prompts you must answer are linked to the topic you have covered in part two.
Don’t forget there are many ways to express the future in English and try to avoid repeating the same words over and over again.
I think … I strongly believe that …
I believe … In my view ….
In my opinion …. Don’t you think that …
What I think is … It seems to me that …
As far as I’m concerned … If you ask me … I would say …
Concluding the interview:
Remember to thank the examiner for his/her time and say goodbye.
As you leave the room, don’t forget to remain positive- the examiner might not have yet completely made up his/her mind about your score, and the final impression you make is important.
Relax and remain in control right up until the moment you leave the room.
Shake hands confidently, if you are invited to do so, and thank the examiner for his/her time.
Do not tell the examiner how relieved you are that the test is over, and there is no need to comment on your performance!
Do not overdo your friendliness at the end.
Do not ask the examiner for your band score as he or she cannot give it to you and it will be sent to you by post in the next three weeks.
6 de enero de 2017