고맙습니다 vs 감사합니다

Korean has two ways of expression of 'Thank you'.
Which is more polite? 고맙습니다, or 감사합니다? Do they have different meanings?
Most Korean use both.
'감사' in '감사합니다' comes from the Chinese character, and '고마워요'(more honorific👉고맙습니다) comes from the native tongue, from Korean to Korean.
Many Korean think 감사합니다 is more polite than 고맙습니다. But it is not, Both are same, polite,
kind words.
I prefer 고맙습니다, and use it everyone include my professor who is an elder.
In casual way, we use 고마워(반말), 고마워요 or 감사해요.
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