3 минутыHala LOULOU6 лет назадАнглийскийHow different is Levantine Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic? How different is Levantine Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic? That is not easy to answer. The people...
3 минутыHala LOULOU6 лет назадАнглийскийHistory of the Arabic LanguageHistory of the Arabic Language تاريخ اللغة العربيّة The Arabic language is spoken today by over 250...
2 минутыHala LOULOU7 лет назадАнглийскийThe Arabic language's history and diversityArabic, a language that has passed the test of time, remains one of the oldest and most unique languages...
2 минутыHala LOULOU7 лет назадАрабскийDamascus/ دمشق الاقتراض: تأثرت لهجة دمشق وريفها، على غرار سائر لغات المعمورة، بالشعوب المجاورة والغازية والمقيمة والطارئة...