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Найдено преподавателей Японский: 66

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for_experiencedОтлично для продвинутых
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32 $ в час
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4.9 (Отзывы: 270)
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+ ещё 2
Уроки: 429Ученики: 35
🌟For teaching Japanese language ・12 years of teaching experience ・10,000 +hrs of online teaching experience ・Teaching Japanese as a second language(certification) ・Japanese instructor's training course(certification) ・Teaching Japanese as a professional teacher(certification) ・National certification of teaching methodology(passed) ・Japanese language teaching certification(passed) ・Available every saturday and sunday ・Available group lesson ・Patient, passionate and engaging 🌸In my class, you can ・stop translating and start thinking in Japanese naturally ・improve pronunciation, pitch and accent to be natural ・feel confidence and comfortable Japanese conversation ・know the difference between some similar grammars ・have decent and appropriate assignments ・make a lot of mistakes to improve faster The lessons are not only designed for the JLPT, but also to link the lessons with everyday life, so that students can actually have a conversation. But if necesarry, I can specifically teach ...
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for_beginnerОтлично для начинающих
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35 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 189)
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+ ещё 2
Уроки: 475Ученики: 31
【Specialized for beginners / 17 years experience / 7000+ online lessons】 Hello! My name is Nami. I was born and raised in Japan. I'm from Osaka. After graduating from university, I worked on travel-related work. I live in Spain now. I started to teach Japanese 17 years ago. I worked as a Japanese teacher at a language school. I've taught Japanese in group and private lessons. I’ve taught more than 7000 lessons online. 【Beginner course】 We will start with Japanese characters Hiragana and Katakana. Knowing Japanese characters will help you pronounce each word correctly and understand the grammar easily. We will use textbooks and workbooks, which are well structured and based on conversational Japanese. I will provide you PDF files of the textbook and other documents. The textbook has a lot of exercises so you can practice grammar in different situations. We will also have a conversation using the grammar we learned in the previous lessons. My lessons cover all Reading, Writing, ...
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flex_bicepsГуру мотивации
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33 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 610)
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+ ещё 1
Уроки: 1 799Ученики: 128
Hello everyone!! Thank you so much for looking my profile! If you can't find a time to book a lesson, please message me before you book. I have more availabilities and we can adjust the time! My name is Asari and I am native Japanese speaker who has 6 years of experience as Japanese language teacher! I had over 2000 lessons so I have a lot of experience. My student are ・Became a finalist in a Japanese speech contest in the USA (J.LIVE Talk) ・passed the JLPT, N2 ・got a perfect score on the AP JAPANESE test. ・Got a scholarship to study in Japan ・Were able to study in Japan for a year I speak 3 languages myself so I definitely understand how is like to be language learner and how hard it can be to express yourself with new language. so I am always looking for the way to build your confidence and help you to feel more comfortable when you are expressing yourself in Japanese. Something which is really important in the lessons is that you actually see your progress in every single ...
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June Z.
flex_bicepsГуру мотивации
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handshakeПодробные сведения о культуре
Бесплатный пробный урок
27 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 241)
Время проведения уроков
+ ещё 3
Уроки: 395Ученики: 27
Hey, my name is June, fluent in Mandarin, Japanese and English. With many years of working experience in international organizations as a liaison, learning languages are always my interest. My native language is Chinese, and I've gained my BA in China. Sooner after, I've passed the highest level of Japanese test (JLPT N1) in Japan. And now, I am in Canada; I got another business degree in English! I am excited to share all my language learning experiences with you! I have 3+ years of teaching Japanese and specify in teaching beginners, and students would like to pass JLPT N2 and N1 tests. I sincerely hope I can help you with your Japanese study!
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Azumi O.
handshakeПодробные сведения о культуре
for_beginnerОтлично для начинающих
Превосходит ожидания
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46 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 1819)
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+ ещё 2
Уроки: 3 277Ученики: 108
(Español abajo/Português em baixo) Hi, I'm Azumi from Yokohama, Japan. I can teach you Japanese in English, Spanish and Portuguese! I was born in Tokyo, raised in Yokohama and schooled in Vancouver, Canada. I have taught Japanese since 2004 in 3 different countries: Canada, Colombia and Brasil. I teach from beginner's levels to preps for Japanese Language Proficiency Exam (JLPT) levels N5-N1 or the exams for the scholarships offered by the Japanese Embassy, called MEXT. I have many students who have passed N1 and N2, won the MEXT scholarships and are studying or working in Japan! I also worked in Colombia as a Japanese-English-Spanish translator and interpreter for 10 years, mainly in international technical cooperation projects. The strength in my teaching is that I can explain Japanese grammar with comparisons to English, Spanish or Portuguese. When a student asks a question about Japanese, seldom do I say "because that's how it works". I can provide you a clear explanation for ev...
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Kei K.
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for_experiencedОтлично для продвинутых
electronicsСведущ(-а) в технике
Бесплатный пробный урок
24 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 139)
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+ ещё 1
Уроки: 458Ученики: 34
*Currently I live in the Netherlands for my job. I am a certified Japanese language teacher and taught 1000 lessons and have 100 students over the world (including outside verbling), so you can have professional lessons. I used to hang out with super famous J-POP musicians. *I'm afraid I can't answer the question "who is the musician?' due to their privacy.But I can tell you anything except that (It's not that I was fan of J-POP but I can talk about what I saw; celebrity's life, fashion, how to make ideas, their strategy etc) I also translate subtitles for movies. **Trial lessons are for people who are interested in my regular lessons..** And we can focus on your personal goal from beginners to fluent speakers.I am new on verbling but have taught Japanese on other places and got a review as 'the best lesson I've ever had' from my student. For beginners I use teaching materials and focus on the Genki textbook.But I can customize the lesson without it. For JLPT I use a JLPT...
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Chiaki T.
electronicsСведущ(-а) в технике
flex_bicepsГуру мотивации
Превосходит ожидания
Бесплатный пробный урок
37 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 867)
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Уроки: 2 873Ученики: 176
★ Absolute Beginners Welcome!!! ★ Informal fun lessons tailored to suit every individuals. Never has learning Japanese been so enjoyable and achievable; ) All class material is provided. Hi Japanese learners! I am Chiaki, I was born and grew up in Japan, I have lived in Australia for a year and lived in the UK for the last 5 years. In the UK I gave private Japanese lessons to several British students. I enjoyed time with my students so much that I wanted to start to teaching online to meet more people in different countries. Have you ever experienced the situation where you have taken a phrase from a Japanese textbook and said it to a Japanese person and received only a confused look in response? Probably the reason is that textbooks tend to teach Japanese in an ultra-polite form. Those basics are very important to know but you also need to know the casual way to say things, as native speakers do, to make conversations flow. This is also necessary to understand what Jap...
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Yukari .
for_experiencedОтлично для продвинутых
flex_bicepsГуру мотивации
handshakeПодробные сведения о культуре
Бесплатный пробный урок
30 $ в час
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4.9 (Отзывы: 114)
Время проведения уроков
+ ещё 1
Уроки: 254Ученики: 16
みなさん、こんにちは。 Hi,there. 大家好。 私は日本語のネイティブスピーカーです。 I’m a Japanese native speaker. 我的母语是日文。 私は、標準日本語と関西・大阪弁を話せます。 I can speak both standard Japanese and Kansai Osaka dialect. 我会说标准日文,关西话和大阪话。 そして、今、私は中国語と英語を学んでいます。 And I’m learning Chinese and English now. 现在我在学习中文和英文。 私は7年以上日本語を教えた経験があります。 この6年半以上はオンラインのマンツーマンレッスンで教えています。 ビギナーから準ネイティブレベルまで教えられます。 I have been teaching Japanese over 7 years. For the past 6 years and a half years I have taught online one-on-one lessons. I teach from beginner to near native level. 我有7年以上教日文的经验。 近6年半,我在 网上 进行 一对一的日文教学。 我能教程度 初级到高级的学生。  私のレッスンでは、日常会話、テキストを使ったレッスン、旅行会話などを学べます。 In my lessons, I offer daily conversations, textbook lessons,travel conversations, and more. 在我的课上,可以学到日常会话 和 实用的 旅遊用会话。 特に私のおすすめレッスンは、 「ビジネス日本語会話」と「関西弁・大阪弁」と「美しい女性言葉」です。 I especially recommend my lessons, "Business Japanese Conversation", "Kansai Dialect / Osaka Dialect" and "women's proper speech". 此外, 我特别推荐 商务会话,关西话和大阪话,以及 优雅的 女性用语 课程 日本語は、シーンや相手によって、話す言葉が変わります。 In Japanese, th...
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Yuki K.
electronicsСведущ(-а) в технике
Отлично для среднего уровня
for_experiencedОтлично для продвинутых
Бесплатный пробный урок
25 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 339)
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Уроки: 892Ученики: 63
こんにちは!ゆうきです。 🔹プロの日本語教師   (Professional Japanese teacher) 🔸日本語学校で、9年教えています  (I have been teaching at a    Japanese language school for 9years.) 🔹学生は、20か国以上、700人以上   (I have taught Japanese to 700  students in more than 20  countries.) 🔸オリジナルテキスト&  ノートをプレゼント🎁  (I will give you my original text and  notes.) 🔹レッスン ⇒ N4~N1以上 OK!        JLPT       文法 (grammar)        会話 (conversation)        ことば          (vocabulary/phrase)        リスニング (Listening)        読解 (Reading)        作文(Composition) ……  あなたの希望に合わせます   (I will do the lessons according to  your request.) 🔸たくさん使って、  もっと上手になりましょう!   (Let's use a lot of Japanese and get  better!) 🔹間違っても大丈夫!  私が手伝います。  (It's okay if you make a mistake. I  will support you.) 🔸明るくて、楽しいレッスンです♪
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electronicsСведущ(-а) в технике
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Бесплатный пробный урок
36 $ в час
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5.0 (Отзывы: 3608)
Время проведения уроков
+ ещё 1
Уроки: 5 380Ученики: 240
Konnichiwa. Hello! I'm Mari.I'm a qualified Japanese teacher and have been teaching for more than 15 years in Tokyo.Previously I have taught Japanese to a large group of students in a language school and I have worked in South America for 2 years as a volunteer teacher. I like to tailor lessons for various students needs through fresh topics and materials. I'm looking forward to speaking with you about many topics in Japanese! ★★To new students: Please take a 30-min trail lesson before booking a normal-length lesson, so that you can test out the internet connection and the teacher's teaching style.★★
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