My name is Zlatko. I believe that learning Bulgarian online with me gives you the best of both worlds: fast progress and enjoyment.
I am a native Bulgarian speaker with over 15 years of teaching experience. In my career, I have helped hundreds of students achieve their language goals. I offer a wide range of lessons from beginners to advanced students and can easily tailor them to both your interests and specific needs.
My style is to have natural conversations about a variety of topics. I always encourage my students to speak and give them hints about how to remember as much as possible.
We can focus on a different grammar point during a lesson too. The way I explain grammar rules is simple, digestable and fun. So if you are thinking about giving the language a go, brushing up on it and/or taking it up a notch, what are you waiting for? Please let me know what your language learning goals are, and I will build a realistic study plan for you.
Teaching is an incredibly rewarding thing to do, and I really enjoy watching my students make progress.
I hope to see you soon.
Казвам се Златко и вярвам, че моите уроци ви дадат възможността да постигнете бърз напредък в приятна и забавна среда. Преподавам български над 15 години и съм помагал на стотици студенти да постигнат езиковите си цели. Предлагам широк спектър от уроци за начинаещи до напреднали и мога лесно да ги приспособявам към вашите индивидуални потребности.
Стилът ми е водене на естествени разговори за широк кръг от теми. Винаги окуражавам студентите да развиват говорните си умения и давам изпитани съвети за постигане на тази цел. По време на уроците можем също да акцентираме върху определена граматична структура. Поднасям българската граматика по лесен и забавен начин. Така че ако възнамерявате да дадете на българския си "зелена светлина", да го усъвършенствате или да изведете познанията си до по-високо ниво, просто ми пишете и аз ще изработя реалистичен учебен план за постигане на езиковите ви цели.
Преподаването е истинска наслада и аз обичам да виждам напредъка при моите студенти.
Надявам се да се видим скоро!
Bonjour à tous!
Je m'appelle Zlatko et je crois que les cours de bulgare avec moi sont une bonne opportunité de joindre l'utile à l'agréable. Je me suis lancé dans l'enseignement il y a 15 ans et depuis ce moment-là, j'ai aidé des centains d'apprenants à atteindre leurs objectifs linguistiques. Accepter le défi d'apprendre une langue étrangère est impressionnant. Les raisons peuvent être différentes. Certains apprennent des langues étrangères parce qu'ils aiment les nouvelles choses. D'autres apprennent parce qu'ils s'installent dans le pays où la langue est parlée. Quelle qu'en soit la raison, c'est votre motivation qui rendra l'appretissage reussi.
Zlatko is a really great teacher for Bulgarian; he is patient with his students and gives them time to focus on what they want. I ask questions to clarify very frequently and he is always eager to respond to my needs in learning. His content and materials cover all the questions I have when I listen to Bulgarian or do any self-studying. I have always looked forward to having every lesson with Zlatko. He also pushes you to the next level very well - anything I already know is disregarded and he quickly moves on to get to the next stage from exactly where I am. It's great to have a teacher so efficiently evaluate where you are, and chart the next point to where you're going. I'm excited to continue my lessons with Zlatko - if you have any hesitations, just book Zlatko! You won't regret working with him if you're serious about studying Bulgarian.
Zlatko izpolzva mnogo dobar format na prepodavane na uroka, koito e adaptiran kam individualnite mi nuzdi i vazmoznosti na u4ene. Mnogo e tarpeliv i objasnjava jasno . Zlatko me predrazpolaga sas humorat si i pravi urokat po-interesen i u4eneto na Bulgarski po-leko! Blagodarija!
Zlatko is very comfortable to learn with. He was well prepared and had an appropriate amount of information for us to go over. I felt at ease to try out various words and do my best, even when I was confused. Zlatko did a great job praising my improvements and keeping my enthusiasm high.